


'clsItem Class Module
Option Explicit
Private mQt As Integer
Private mPrice As Double
Private mTotal As Double
Public Property Let Quantity(Value As Integer)
mQt = Value
End Property
Public Property Let Price(Value As Double)
mPrice = Value
End Property
Private Function SetTotal(mQt As Integer, mVl As Double)
mTotal = mQt * mPrice
End Function
Public Property Get Quantity() As Integer
Quantity = mQt
End Property
Public Property Get Price() As Double
Price = mPrice    
End Property
Public Property Get Total() As Double
SetTotal mQt, mPrice 'This smells
Total = mTotal   
End Property

我评论This smells的部分是我写的一个杂烩,所以下面的代码给出了预期的行为:

'Object Module
Sub TestCls()
Dim basicItem As clsItem
Set basicItem = New clsItem
With basicItem
.Quantity = 100
.Price = 12.5
End With
Debug.Print basicItem.Total
End Sub


  1. 我正在使用get属性来调用一个函数,但我想不出在代码的其他地方进行调用的方法
  2. 如果我不在模块中的某个地方调用clsItem.TotalmTotal将永远不会更新



  1. 移除SetTotal
  2. 只需计算Get Total()中的总数


'clsItem Class Module
Option Explicit
Private mQt As Integer
Private mPrice As Double
Public Property Let Quantity(Value As Integer)
mQt = Value
End Property
Public Property Get Quantity() As Integer
Quantity = mQt
End Property

Public Property Let Price(Value As Double)
mPrice = Value
End Property
Public Property Get Price() As Double
Price = mPrice    
End Property

Public Property Get Total() As Double
Total = mQt * mPrice
End Property
