

while answer.lower() != "proceed" and answer.lower() != "return":
await ctx.send("Only enter 'proceed' or 'return'!")
await ctx.send('''Are you sure you want to nuke this channel? This will completely erase all messages from it!
type proceed to continue, and return to return. ''')
answer = await client.wait_for('message', check=lambda
message: message.author == ctx.author and message != "")  # Gets user input and checks if message is not empty and was sent by the same user
answer = answer.content




# use a counter to track how many times you run the while loop
loop_counter = 0
while answer.lower() != "proceed" and answer.lower() != "return": 
loop_counter += 1
if loop_counter >=2:
# break out of the loop if reach a threshold.
# send out the message before break out of the loop.
await ctx.send("The loop has ended.") 
await ctx.send("Only enter 'proceed' or 'return'!") 
await ctx.send('''Are you sure you want to nuke this channel? This will completely erase all messages from it! type proceed to continue, and return to return. ''') 
answer = await client.wait_for('message', check=lambda message: message.author == ctx.author and message != "") 
# Gets user input and checks if message is not empty and was sent by the same user answer = answer.content
