Javascript网站标题 - 隐藏向下滚动功能"Uncaught TypeError: header is null"错误






window.onload = (function(){
var doc = document.documentElement;
var w   = window;
define four variables: curScroll, prevScroll, curDirection, prevDirection
var curScroll;
var prevScroll = w.scrollY || doc.scrollTop;
var curDirection = 0;
var prevDirection = 0;
how it works:
create a scroll event listener
create function to check scroll position on each scroll event,
compare curScroll and prevScroll values to find the scroll direction
scroll up - 1, scroll down - 2, initial - 0
then set the direction value to curDirection
compare curDirection and prevDirection
if it is different, call a function to show or hide the header
step 1: user scrolls down: curDirection 2, prevDirection 0 > hide header
step 2: user scrolls down again: curDirection 2, prevDirection 2 > already hidden, do nothing
step 3: user scrolls up: curDirection 1, prevDirection 2 > show header
var header = document.getElementById("header");
var toggled;
var threshold = 200;
var checkScroll = function() {
curScroll = w.scrollY || doc.scrollTop;
if(curScroll > prevScroll) {
// scrolled down
curDirection = 2;
else {
//scrolled up
curDirection = 1;
if(curDirection !== prevDirection) {
toggled = toggleHeader();
prevScroll = curScroll;
if(toggled) {
prevDirection = curDirection;
var toggleHeader = function() { 
toggled = true;
if(curDirection === 2 && curScroll > threshold) {
else if (curDirection === 1) {
else {
toggled = false;
return toggled;
window.addEventListener("scroll", checkScroll);


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#header .hide {
padding-top: -100px;

