




def solution(src, dest):
# Chessboard made using nested lists. The indexes will act as coordinates.
chessboard = [
# Find index values of src and dest
for row in chessboard:
    if src in row:
        srcX = chessboard.index(row)
        srcY = row.index(src)
    if dest in row:
        destX = chessboard.index(row)
        destY = row.index(dest)
# Position dict to store indexes and no of mvoes when using bfs
position = {
    'x': 0,
    'y': 0,
    'moves': 0,
position['x'] = srcX
position['y'] = srcY
# Below represents the knights moves to be applied to the index of position
row = [-2,-2,-1,1,2,2,1,-1]
col = [-1,1,2,2,-1,1,-2,-2]

# We use an if-statement to check for valid moves 
def isValid(x, y):
    return not (x < 0 or y < 0 or x >=8 or y >=8)
q = []
# Record spaces visited already
isVisited = []
while len(q)>0:
    space = q.pop()
    x = space['x']
    y = space['y']
    moves = space['moves']
    # if the position matches the destination, return no.moves
    # I'm just using print to see the result in the terminal
    if x == destX and y == destY:
    if (x,y) not in isVisited:
        # Loop over possible moves
        for i in range(len(row)):
            newX = x + row[i]
            newY = y + col[i]
            if isValid(newX, newY):
                position['x'] = newX
                position['y'] = newY
                position['moves'] = moves+1



# We use an if-statement to check for valid moves 
def isValid(x, y):
    return (0 <= x <= 7) and (0 <= y <= 7)
def solution(src, dest):
# Chessboard made using nested lists. The indexes will act as coordinates.
    chessboard = [
# Find index values of src and dest
    srcY = src % 8
    srcX = src // 8
    destY = dest % 8
    destX = dest // 8
# Position dict to store indexes and no of mvoes when using bfs
    position = {
        'x': srcX,
        'y': srcY,
        'moves': 0,
# Below represents the knights moves to be applied to the index of position
    row = [ -2, -2, -1, -1,  1,  1,  2,  2]
    col = [ -1,  1,  2, -2, -2,  2, -1,  1]
    q = []
# Record spaces visited already
    isVisited = []
    while q:
        space = q.pop()
        print( "Checking", space )
        x = space['x']
        y = space['y']
        moves = space['moves']
        # if the position matches the destination, return no.moves
        # I'm just using print to see the result in the terminal
        if x == destX and y == destY:
            return moves
        if (x,y) not in isVisited:
            # Loop over possible moves
            for dx,dy in zip(row,col):
                newX = x + dx
                newY = y + dy
                if isValid(newX, newY):
                    position = {
                        'x': newX,
                        'y': newY,
                        'moves': moves+1
print( solution( 3, 61 ) )
