LMFIT 曲线拟合模块有时不显示错误








((Model(constant) + Model(voigt, prefix='g0_')) + Model(voigt, prefix='g1_'))
[[Fit Statistics]]
# fitting method   = leastsq
# function evals   = 186
# data points      = 564
# variables        = 9
chi-square         = 1342.58147
reduced chi-square = 2.41906571
Akaike info crit   = 507.154526
Bayesian info crit = 546.170014
g0_sigma:      7.58224056 +/- 0.07787554 (1.03%) (init = 7)
g0_center:     657.390036 +/- 0.02496585 (0.00%) (init = 656.4029)
g0_amplitude:  1549654.58 +/- 5871.81065 (0.38%) (init = 57643.33)
g0_gamma:      3.70825451 +/- 0.10708503 (2.89%) (init = 0.7)
g0_fwhm:       27.3059988 +/- 0.28045426 (1.03%) == '3.6013100*g0_sigma'
g0_height:     57414.5545 +/- 137.261488 (0.24%) == 'g0_amplitude*wofz((1j*g0_gamma)/(g0_sigma*sqrt(2))).real/(g0_sigma*sqrt(2*pi))'
g1_sigma:      7.66546221 +/- 0.55266628 (7.21%) (init = 7)
g1_center:     803.744461 +/- 0.16381855 (0.02%) (init = 803.2903)
g1_amplitude:  315684.011 +/- 6421.21329 (2.03%) (init = 10676.22)
g1_gamma:      6.21905616 +/- 0.67178258 (10.80%) (init = 0.7)
g1_fwhm:       27.6057057 +/- 1.99032260 (7.21%) == '3.6013100*g1_sigma'
g1_height:     9525.49591 +/- 130.820663 (1.37%) == 'g1_amplitude*wofz((1j*g1_gamma)/(g1_sigma*sqrt(2))).real/(g1_sigma*sqrt(2*pi))'
c:             1096.67100 +/- 6.42230443 (0.59%) (init = 0)
[[Correlations]] (unreported correlations are < 0.250)
C(g0_sigma, g0_gamma)     = -0.929
C(g1_sigma, g1_gamma)     = -0.926
C(g0_amplitude, g0_gamma) =  0.828
C(g1_amplitude, g1_gamma) =  0.821
C(g0_sigma, g0_amplitude) = -0.659
C(g1_sigma, g1_amplitude) = -0.650


((((((((((((((((((Model(constant) + Model(voigt, prefix='g0_')) + Model(voigt, prefix='g1_')) + Model(voigt, prefix='g2_')) + Model(voigt, prefix='g3_')) + Model(voigt, prefix='g4_')) + Model(voigt, prefix='g5_')) + Model(voigt, prefix='g6_')) + Model(voigt, prefix='g7_')) + Model(voigt, prefix='g8_')) + Model(voigt, prefix='g9_')) + Model(voigt, prefix='g10_')) + Model(voigt, prefix='g11_')) + Model(voigt, prefix='g12_')) + Model(voigt, prefix='g13_')) + Model(voigt, prefix='g14_')) + Model(voigt, prefix='g15_')) + Model(voigt, prefix='g16_')) + Model(voigt, prefix='g17_'))
[[Fit Statistics]]
# fitting method   = leastsq
# function evals   = 101758
# data points      = 564
# variables        = 73
chi-square         = 13631.1513
reduced chi-square = 27.7620190
Akaike info crit   = 1942.37313
Bayesian info crit = 2258.83209
g0_sigma:       192.689563 (init = 7)
g0_center:      422.997773 (init = 389.2612)
g0_amplitude:   1068.20554 (init = 2820.275)
g0_gamma:      -618.292505 (init = 0.7)
g0_fwhm:        693.934849 == '3.6013100*g0_sigma'
g0_height:      760.695408 == 'g0_amplitude*wofz((1j*g0_gamma)/(g0_sigma*sqrt(2))).real/(g0_sigma*sqrt(2*pi))'
g1_sigma:       17.9116349 (init = 7)
g1_center:      431.473501 (init = 431.5196)
g1_amplitude:   4525.79900 (init = 3929.55)
g1_gamma:      -36.4029462 (init = 0.7)
g1_fwhm:        64.5053499 == '3.6013100*g1_sigma'
g1_height:      1556.62320 == 'g1_amplitude*wofz((1j*g1_gamma)/(g1_sigma*sqrt(2))).real/(g1_sigma*sqrt(2*pi))'
g2_sigma:       4.86138247 (init = 7)
g2_center:      805.214348 (init = 803.2903)
g2_amplitude:   668696.572 (init = 33620)
g2_gamma:       3.52118850 (init = 0.7)
g2_fwhm:        17.5073453 == '3.6013100*g2_sigma'
g2_height:      33446.8793 == 'g2_amplitude*wofz((1j*g2_gamma)/(g2_sigma*sqrt(2))).real/(g2_sigma*sqrt(2*pi))'
g3_sigma:       5.13832814 (init = 7)
g3_center:      1032.12566 (init = 1035.003)
g3_amplitude:   595227.235 (init = 17401.5)
g3_gamma:       8.79672669 (init = 0.7)
g3_fwhm:        18.5047125 == '3.6013100*g3_sigma'
g3_height:      17386.9619 == 'g3_amplitude*wofz((1j*g3_gamma)/(g3_sigma*sqrt(2))).real/(g3_sigma*sqrt(2*pi))'
g4_sigma:       5.06870799 (init = 7)
g4_center:      1160.54035 (init = 1160.308)
g4_amplitude:   74021.3519 (init = 4387.175)
g4_gamma:       5.14599307 (init = 0.7)
g4_fwhm:        18.2539888 == '3.6013100*g4_sigma'
g4_height:      3023.66817 == 'g4_amplitude*wofz((1j*g4_gamma)/(g4_sigma*sqrt(2))).real/(g4_sigma*sqrt(2*pi))'
g5_sigma:       5.71945320 (init = 7)
g5_center:      1270.96477 (init = 1268.509)
g5_amplitude:   458428.440 (init = 15159)
g5_gamma:       7.80744109 (init = 0.7)
g5_fwhm:        20.5975240 == '3.6013100*g5_sigma'
g5_height:      13982.1731 == 'g5_amplitude*wofz((1j*g5_gamma)/(g5_sigma*sqrt(2))).real/(g5_sigma*sqrt(2*pi))'
g6_sigma:       2.6981e-09 (init = 7)
g6_center:      1448.28921 (init = 1352.596)
g6_amplitude:   572109.865 (init = 4058.475)
g6_gamma:       13.5568440 (init = 0.7)
g6_fwhm:        9.7166e-09 == '3.6013100*g6_sigma'
g6_height:      13432.9366 == 'g6_amplitude*wofz((1j*g6_gamma)/(g6_sigma*sqrt(2))).real/(g6_sigma*sqrt(2*pi))'
g7_sigma:       12.5995161 (init = 7)
g7_center:      1351.19388 (init = 1450.939)
g7_amplitude:   64633.5688 (init = 13943)
g7_gamma:      -1.76986853 (init = 0.7)
g7_fwhm:        45.3747632 == '3.6013100*g7_sigma'
g7_height:      2297.69041 == 'g7_amplitude*wofz((1j*g7_gamma)/(g7_sigma*sqrt(2))).real/(g7_sigma*sqrt(2*pi))'
g8_sigma:       697.890539 (init = 7)
g8_center:      2422.51062 (init = 1855.019)
g8_amplitude:   210.220409 (init = 2548.15)
g8_gamma:      -3083.15825 (init = 0.7)
g8_fwhm:        2513.32018 == '3.6013100*g8_sigma'
g8_height:      4158.40426 == 'g8_amplitude*wofz((1j*g8_gamma)/(g8_sigma*sqrt(2))).real/(g8_sigma*sqrt(2*pi))'
g9_sigma:       83.3565885 (init = 7)
g9_center:      2867.11059 (init = 1926.474)
g9_amplitude:   6021213.64 (init = 2513.125)
g9_gamma:      -231.269811 (init = 0.7)
g9_fwhm:        300.192916 == '3.6013100*g9_sigma'
g9_height:      2697769.12 == 'g9_amplitude*wofz((1j*g9_gamma)/(g9_sigma*sqrt(2))).real/(g9_sigma*sqrt(2*pi))'
g10_sigma:      105.224438 (init = 7)
g10_center:     2757.10276 (init = 1940.692)
g10_amplitude: -13348456.2 (init = 2628.65)
g10_gamma:     -300.405844 (init = 0.7)
g10_fwhm:       378.945820 == '3.6013100*g10_sigma'
g10_height:    -5945307.23 == 'g10_amplitude*wofz((1j*g10_gamma)/(g10_sigma*sqrt(2))).real/(g10_sigma*sqrt(2*pi))'
g11_sigma:      100.413181 (init = 7)
g11_center:     2741.65736 (init = 2226.984)
g11_amplitude:  10844230.4 (init = 2359.375)
g11_gamma:     -296.216143 (init = 0.7)
g11_fwhm:       361.618992 == '3.6013100*g11_sigma'
g11_height:     6673387.09 == 'g11_amplitude*wofz((1j*g11_gamma)/(g11_sigma*sqrt(2))).real/(g11_sigma*sqrt(2*pi))'
g12_sigma:      366.846051 (init = 7)
g12_center:     1940.87402 (init = 2450.446)
g12_amplitude:  256322.806 (init = 2311.475)
g12_gamma:     -753.396963 (init = 0.7)
g12_fwhm:       1321.12635 == '3.6013100*g12_sigma'
g12_height:     4501.31993 == 'g12_amplitude*wofz((1j*g12_gamma)/(g12_sigma*sqrt(2))).real/(g12_sigma*sqrt(2*pi))'
g13_sigma:      103.888422 (init = 7)
g13_center:     3019.80754 (init = 2667.96)
g13_amplitude:  1616371.56 (init = 4225.95)
g13_gamma:     -375.306839 (init = 0.7)
g13_fwhm:       374.134413 == '3.6013100*g13_sigma'
g13_height:     8468440.28 == 'g13_amplitude*wofz((1j*g13_gamma)/(g13_sigma*sqrt(2))).real/(g13_sigma*sqrt(2*pi))'
g14_sigma:      147.814985 (init = 7)
g14_center:     2947.03711 (init = 2700.413)
g14_amplitude:  167.834745 (init = 3302.95)
g14_gamma:     -836.092487 (init = 0.7)
g14_fwhm:       532.327584 == '3.6013100*g14_sigma'
g14_height:     8027180.83 == 'g14_amplitude*wofz((1j*g14_gamma)/(g14_sigma*sqrt(2))).real/(g14_sigma*sqrt(2*pi))'
g15_sigma:      145.620972 (init = 7)
g15_center:     2989.06096 (init = 2803.39)
g15_amplitude: -886458.453 (init = 2653.55)
g15_gamma:     -516.771454 (init = 0.7)
g15_fwhm:       524.426264 == '3.6013100*g15_sigma'
g15_height:    -2636036.61 == 'g15_amplitude*wofz((1j*g15_gamma)/(g15_sigma*sqrt(2))).real/(g15_sigma*sqrt(2*pi))'
g16_sigma:      78.0169344 (init = 7)
g16_center:     3135.45756 (init = 2860.738)
g16_amplitude: -1388405.82 (init = 38420.5)
g16_gamma:     -217.130421 (init = 0.7)
g16_fwhm:       280.963166 == '3.6013100*g16_sigma'
g16_height:    -680872.187 == 'g16_amplitude*wofz((1j*g16_gamma)/(g16_sigma*sqrt(2))).real/(g16_sigma*sqrt(2*pi))'
g17_sigma:      81.7099268 (init = 7)
g17_center:     3322.62834 (init = 2936.564)
g17_amplitude:  333478.937 (init = 43586)
g17_gamma:     -216.876994 (init = 0.7)
g17_fwhm:       294.262776 == '3.6013100*g17_sigma'
g17_height:     109848.342 == 'g17_amplitude*wofz((1j*g17_gamma)/(g17_sigma*sqrt(2))).real/(g17_sigma*sqrt(2*pi))'
c:              1502.83014 (init = 0)


#read in data
#decide on stn ratio prominence and other values, the model type to use etc

#find estimate for peak centre, using this scipy function
peaks = scipy.signal.find_peaks(y,height = error*StN, width = width,prominence=PStN)
#obviously cut out some of the other code but this loops to make a gaussian or a voigt or whatever for each peak found above
model_array = {}
pars = lm.Parameters()
while n < peakamt:
model_array[n] = modeltype(prefix = "g"+str(n)+"_")
if modeltype == VoigtModel:
pars["g"+str(n)+'_gamma'].set(value=0.7, vary=True, expr = '')
n = n + 1
#adds the constant model
const = ConstantModel()
#makes the entire composite model, adding each peak model to the constant model
model = const
m = 0
while m < n:
model = model + model_array[m]
m = m+1

#here is the fitting
out = model.fit(y, pars, x=x, weights = weight)
final_fit = np.array(out.best_fit)
residuals = final_fit - y
#creating main figure
fig = plt.subplot(2,1,1)
fig.plot(x, y, 'ro', markersize = 2)
fig.errorbar(x,y,yerr=e, linestyle='none')
fig.set_title(str(ElementName) + " Deg " + str(Degrees))
fig.set_ylabel('Intensity (counts)')
fig.set_xlabel('Wavenumber (cm^-1)')
#creating residual figure
res = plt.subplot(2,1,2)
res.plot(x,residuals, 'r+')

#Formatting the figures





在您的情况下,看起来gamma参数都变得非常负面,完全疯狂。对于Voigt函数,gamma < 0并不完全是"荒谬的",但它确实使函数不完全是一个"峰值",更像是"尖锐的洛伦兹减去更宽的高斯"的混合物。您可能想要在gamma上设置一个下界,可能是0。


pars = lm.Parameters()
pars.add('gamma_scale', value=0.7, min=0, max=100, vary=True)
while n < peakamt:
pref = 'g%d_' % n
model_array[n] = modeltype(prefix =pref)
pars['%s_center' % pref].set(value=xpeaks[n])
pars['%s_sigma' % pref].set(value=7)
pars['%s_amplitude' % pref].set(value=ypeaks[n])
if modeltype == VoigtModel:
pars['%s_gamma' % pref].set(expr='gamma_scale*%s_sigma' % pref)
n = n + 1


