SQL Server Optimizer删除ISNULL调用

以下查询在SQL Server 2017中遇到错误:

;with locations(RowNum, Latitude, Longitude) as (
select 1, 12.3456, 45.6789
locationsWithPrevious as (
select  *,
PreviousLatitude = lag(l.Latitude) over(order by l.RowNum),
PreviousLongitude = lag(l.Longitude) over(order by l.RowNum)
from    locations as l
locationsWithDistance as (
select  *,
Distance = geography::Point(l.Latitude, l.Longitude, 4326).STDistance(geography::Point(l.PreviousLatitude, l.PreviousLongitude, 4326))
from    locationsWithPrevious as l
where   PreviousLatitude is not null
and PreviousLongitude is not null
select  *
from    locationsWithDistance as l
where   Distance > 0
Msg 6569, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
'geography::Point' failed because parameter 1 is not allowed to be null.

原因:谓词CCD_ 1是在将PreviousLatitude/-Longitude过滤为IS NOT NULL之前执行的。到目前为止还不错,因为T-SQL是声明性的,这里的操作顺序可以由SQL Server决定。如果删除谓词Distance > 0,则查询不会出错。


Distance = geography::Point(l.Latitude, l.Longitude, 4326).STDistance(geography::Point(isnull(l.PreviousLatitude, 0), isnull(l.PreviousLongitude, 0), 4326))


SQL Server的这种行为正确吗?在我看来,SQL Server由于IS NOT NULL筛选而错误地删除了ISNULL调用。


  1. Distance > 00条件被删除时,错误消失了,因为ISNULL函数现在按预期在过滤器谓词中使用(当然,查询在语义上发生了变化(:

    locationsWithDistance as (
    select  *,
    Distance = geography::Point(l.Latitude, l.Longitude, 4326).STDistance(geography::Point(isnull(l.PreviousLatitude, 0), isnull(l.PreviousLongitude, 0), 4326))
    from    locationsWithPrevious as l
  2. 但是,如果将ISNULL调用替换为CASE WHEN操作,则查询可以正常工作:

    Distance = geography::Point(l.Latitude, l.Longitude, 4326).STDistance(geography::Point(case when l.PreviousLatitude is not null then l.PreviousLatitude else 0 end, case when l.PreviousLongitude is not null then l.PreviousLongitude else 0 end, 4326))
  3. 我还意识到,通过直接在基本查询中实例化Point,可以更好地将查询公式化为:

    ;with locations(RowNum, GeoPosition) as (
    select 1, geography::Point(12.3456, 45.6789, 4326)
    locationsWithPrevious as (
    select  *,
    PreviousGeoPosition = lag(l.GeoPosition) over(order by l.RowNum)
    from    locations as l
    locationsWithDistance as (
    select  *,
    Distance = l.GeoPosition.STDistance(l.PreviousGeoPosition)
    from    locationsWithPrevious as l
    where   PreviousGeoPosition is not null
    select  *
    from    locationsWithDistance as l
    where   Distance > 0


编译器将中间计算放入Compute Scalar运算符中。但是,表达式服务可以在不同的点计算这些值,因此ISNULL不应该被删除。



;with locations(RowNum, Latitude, Longitude) as (
select 1, 12.3456, 45.6789
locationsWithPrevious as (
select  *,
PreviousLatitude = lag(l.Latitude, 1, 0) over(order by l.RowNum),
PreviousLongitude = lag(l.Longitude, 1, 0) over(order by l.RowNum)
from    locations as l
locationsWithDistance as (
select  *,
Distance = geography::Point(l.Latitude, l.Longitude, 4326).STDistance(geography::Point(l.PreviousLatitude, l.PreviousLongitude, 4326))
from    locationsWithPrevious as l
select  *
from    locationsWithDistance as l
where   Distance > 0



drop table if exists #locationsWithPrevious;
;with locations(RowNum, Latitude, Longitude) as (
select 1, 12.3456, 45.6789
locationsWithPrevious as (
select  *,
PreviousLatitude = lag(l.Latitude) over(order by l.RowNum),
PreviousLongitude = lag(l.Longitude) over(order by l.RowNum)
from    locations as l
select *
into #locationsWithPrevious
from locationsWithPrevious
where   PreviousLatitude is not null
and PreviousLongitude is not null;
with locationsWithDistance as (
select  *,
Distance = geography::Point(l.Latitude, l.Longitude, 4326).STDistance(geography::Point(l.PreviousLatitude, l.PreviousLongitude, 4326))
from    #locationsWithPrevious as l
select  *
from    locationsWithDistance as l
where   Distance > 0;
