
我想将factorial(n!(计算添加到Calculated Fields Form WordPress插件中。我发现module_public.js(在这个方向上:wp-content\plugins\calculated fields form\js\modules\01_mathematical_logical\public(包含数学运算的代码,我添加了这些代码,但它们不起作用(我可以通过向module_admin.js添加代码来制作阶乘按钮,按钮起作用,但我无法得到结果(。有人能帮我吗?我在module_public.js:中添加到第209行的代码

if(window.FAC == undefined)
window.FAC = window.fac = function ()

var ans=1; 

for (var i = 2; i <= FAC; i++) 
ans = ans * i; 
return ans; 
} // End if window.FAC


fbuilderjQuery = ( typeof fbuilderjQuery != 'undefined' ) ? fbuilderjQuery : jQuery;
fbuilderjQuery[ 'fbuilder' ] = f
builderjQuery[ 'fbuilder' ] || {};
fbuilderjQuery[ 'fbuilder' ][ 'modules' ] = fbuilderjQuery[ 'fbuilder' ][ 'mo
dules' ] || {};
fbuilderjQuery[ 'fbuilder' ][ 'modules' ][ 'default' ] = {
'prefix' : '',
'callback'      : function()
if(Number.prototype.LENGTH == undefined)
// Only LENGTH in uppercase to prevent a conflict with Lottie
Number.prototype.LENGTH = function(){return this.valueOf().toString().length;};
function ROUNDx(operation, num, y)
if(y && y != 0)
var r  = operation(num/y)*y, p = (new String(y)).split('.');
if(p.length == 2) r = PREC(r,p[1].length);
return r;
return operation(num);
if(window.ROUND == undefined)
window.ROUND = window.round = function(num, y)
if(y) return ROUNDx(Math.round, num, y);
return ROUNDx(Math.round, num);
if(window.FLOOR == undefined)
window.FLOOR = window.floor = function(num, y)
if(y) return ROUNDx(Math.floor, num, y);
return ROUNDx(Math.floor, num);
if(window.CEIL == undefined)
window.CEIL = window.ceil = function(num, y)
if(y) return ROUNDx(Math.ceil, num, y);
return ROUNDx(Math.ceil, num);
if(window.PREC == undefined)
window.PREC = window.prec = function (num, pr)
if('undefined' == typeof pr) pr = 0;
if(/^d+$/.test(pr) && $.isNumeric(num))
var f = POW(10,pr);
num = ROUND(num*f)/f;
return num.toFixed(pr);
return num;
} // End if window.PREC
if(window.CDATE == undefined)
window.CDATE = window.cdate = function ( num, format )
format = ( typeof format != 'undefined' ) ? format : ( ( typeof window.DATETIMEFORMAT != 'undefined' ) ? window.DATETIMEFORMAT : 'dd/mm/yyyy' );
num = Math.round(num*86400000);
var date = new Date(num),
d = date.getDate(),
m = date.getMonth()+1,
y = date.getFullYear(),
h = date.getHours(),
i = date.getMinutes(),
s = date.getSeconds(),
a = '';
m = (m < 10) ? '0'+m : m;
d = (d < 10) ? '0'+d : d;
if( /a/.test( format ) )
a = ( h >= 12 ) ? 'pm' : 'am';
h = h % 12;
h = ( h == 0 ) ? 12: h;
h = (h < 10) ? '0'+h : h;
i = (i < 10) ? '0'+i : i;
s = (s < 10) ? '0'+s : s;
return format.replace( /y+/i, y)
.replace( /m+/i, m)
.replace( /d+/i, d)
.replace( /h+/i, h)
.replace( /i+/i, i)
.replace( /s+/i, s)
.replace( /a+/i, a);
return num;
} // End if window.CDATE
if(window.SUM == undefined)
window.SUM = window.sum = function ()
var r = 0, t;
for(var i in arguments)
if(Array.isArray(arguments[i])) r += SUM.apply(this,arguments[i]);
t = arguments[i]*1;
if(!isNaN(t)) r += t;
return r;
} // End if window.SUM
if(window.CONCATENATE == undefined)
window.CONCATENATE = window.concatenate = function ()
var r = '';
for(var i in arguments)
if(Array.isArray(arguments[i])) r += CONCATENATE.apply(this,arguments[i]);
else r += (new String(arguments[i]));
return r;
} // End if window.CONCATENATE
if(window.AVERAGE == undefined)
window.AVERAGE = window.average = function ()
return SUM.apply(this,arguments)/arguments.length;
} // End if window.AVERAGE
if(window.GCD == undefined)
window.GCD = window.gcd = function( a, b)
if ( ! b) return a;
return GCD(b, a % b);
} // End if window.GCD

if(window.LCM == undefined)
window.LCM = window.lcm = function( a, b)
return (!a || !b) ? 0 : ABS((a * b) / GCD(a, b));
} // End if window.LCM
if(window.LOGAB == undefined)
window.LOGAB = window.logab = function( a, b)
return LOG(a)/LOG(b);
} // End if window.LOGAB
var math_prop = ["LN10", "PI", "E", "LOG10E", "SQRT2", "LOG2E", "SQRT1_2", "LN2", "cos", "pow", "log", "tan", "sqrt", "asin", "abs", "exp", "atan2", "atanh", "random", "acos", "atan", "sin"];
for(var i = 0, h = math_prop.length; i < h; i++)
if( !window[ math_prop[ i ] ] )
window[ math_prop[ i ] ] = window[ math_prop[ i ].toUpperCase() ] = Math[ math_prop[ i ] ];
if(window.MIN == undefined)
window.MIN = window.min = function ()
var l = [];
for(var i in arguments)
var l = l.concat(arguments[i]);
return Math.min.apply(this, l);
} // End if window.MIN
if(window.MAX == undefined)
window.MAX = window.max = function ()
var l = [];
for(var i in arguments)
var l = l.concat(arguments[i]);
return Math.max.apply(this, l);
} // End if window.MAX

if(window.RADIANS == undefined)
window.RADIANS = window.radians = function(a){ return a*PI/180;};
if(window.DEGREES == undefined)
window.DEGREES = window.degrees = function(a){ return a*180/PI;};
fbuilderjQuery[ 'fbuilder' ][ 'extend_window' ]( fbuilderjQuery[ 'fbuilder' ][ 'modules' ][ 'default' ][ 'prefix' ], CF_LOGICAL );
'validator' : function( v )
return ( typeof v == 'number' ) ? isFinite( v ) : ( typeof v != 'undefined' );



fbuilderjQuery = ( typeof fbuilderjQuery != 'undefined' ) ? fbuilderjQuery : jQuery;
fbuilderjQuery[ 'fbuilder' ] = f
builderjQuery[ 'fbuilder' ] || {};
fbuilderjQuery[ 'fbuilder' ][ 'modules' ] = fbuilderjQuery[ 'fbuilder' ][ 'mo
dules' ] || {};
fbuilderjQuery[ 'fbuilder' ][ 'modules' ][ 'default' ] = {
'prefix' : '',
'callback'      : function()
if(Number.prototype.LENGTH == undefined)
// Only LENGTH in uppercase to prevent a conflict with Lottie
Number.prototype.LENGTH = function(){return this.valueOf().toString().length;};
function ROUNDx(operation, num, y)
if(y && y != 0)
var r  = operation(num/y)*y, p = (new String(y)).split('.');
if(p.length == 2) r = PREC(r,p[1].length);
return r;
return operation(num);
if(window.ROUND == undefined)
window.ROUND = window.round = function(num, y)
if(y) return ROUNDx(Math.round, num, y);
return ROUNDx(Math.round, num);
if(window.FLOOR == undefined)
window.FLOOR = window.floor = function(num, y)
if(y) return ROUNDx(Math.floor, num, y);
return ROUNDx(Math.floor, num);
if(window.CEIL == undefined)
window.CEIL = window.ceil = function(num, y)
if(y) return ROUNDx(Math.ceil, num, y);
return ROUNDx(Math.ceil, num);
if(window.PREC == undefined)
window.PREC = window.prec = function (num, pr)
if('undefined' == typeof pr) pr = 0;
if(/^d+$/.test(pr) && $.isNumeric(num))
var f = POW(10,pr);
num = ROUND(num*f)/f;
return num.toFixed(pr);
return num;
} // End if window.PREC
if(window.CDATE == undefined)
window.CDATE = window.cdate = function ( num, format )
format = ( typeof format != 'undefined' ) ? format : ( ( typeof window.DATETIMEFORMAT != 'undefined' ) ? window.DATETIMEFORMAT : 'dd/mm/yyyy' );
num = Math.round(num*86400000);
var date = new Date(num),
d = date.getDate(),
m = date.getMonth()+1,
y = date.getFullYear(),
h = date.getHours(),
i = date.getMinutes(),
s = date.getSeconds(),
a = '';
m = (m < 10) ? '0'+m : m;
d = (d < 10) ? '0'+d : d;
if( /a/.test( format ) )
a = ( h >= 12 ) ? 'pm' : 'am';
h = h % 12;
h = ( h == 0 ) ? 12: h;
h = (h < 10) ? '0'+h : h;
i = (i < 10) ? '0'+i : i;
s = (s < 10) ? '0'+s : s;
return format.replace( /y+/i, y)
.replace( /m+/i, m)
.replace( /d+/i, d)
.replace( /h+/i, h)
.replace( /i+/i, i)
.replace( /s+/i, s)
.replace( /a+/i, a);
return num;
} // End if window.CDATE
if(window.SUM == undefined)
window.SUM = window.sum = function ()
var r = 0, t;
for(var i in arguments)
if(Array.isArray(arguments[i])) r += SUM.apply(this,arguments[i]);
t = arguments[i]*1;
if(!isNaN(t)) r += t;
return r;
} // End if window.SUM
if(window.CONCATENATE == undefined)
window.CONCATENATE = window.concatenate = function ()
var r = '';
for(var i in arguments)
if(Array.isArray(arguments[i])) r += CONCATENATE.apply(this,arguments[i]);
else r += (new String(arguments[i]));
return r;
} // End if window.CONCATENATE
if(window.AVERAGE == undefined)
window.AVERAGE = window.average = function ()
return SUM.apply(this,arguments)/arguments.length;
} // End if window.AVERAGE
if(window.GCD == undefined)
window.GCD = window.gcd = function( a, b)
if ( ! b) return a;
return GCD(b, a % b);
} // End if window.GCD

if(window.LCM == undefined)
window.LCM = window.lcm = function( a, b)
return (!a || !b) ? 0 : ABS((a * b) / GCD(a, b));
} // End if window.LCM
if(window.LOGAB == undefined)
window.LOGAB = window.logab = function( a, b)
return LOG(a)/LOG(b);
} // End if window.LOGAB
var math_prop = ["LN10", "PI", "E", "LOG10E", "SQRT2", "LOG2E", "SQRT1_2", "LN2", "cos", "pow", "log", "tan", "sqrt", "asin", "abs", "exp", "atan2", "atanh", "random", "acos", "atan", "sin"];
for(var i = 0, h = math_prop.length; i < h; i++)
if( !window[ math_prop[ i ] ] )
window[ math_prop[ i ] ] = window[ math_prop[ i ].toUpperCase() ] = Math[ math_prop[ i ] ];
if(window.MIN == undefined)
window.MIN = window.min = function ()
var l = [];
for(var i in arguments)
var l = l.concat(arguments[i]);
return Math.min.apply(this, l);
} // End if window.MIN
if(window.MAX == undefined)
window.MAX = window.max = function ()
var l = [];
for(var i in arguments)
var l = l.concat(arguments[i]);
return Math.max.apply(this, l);
} // End if window.MAX

if(window.FAC == undefined)
window.FAC = window.fac = function (num)
let sm=num;
if(num == 0)
return 1;
for(let i=num-1; i>=1; i--){
sm *= (num-i); 
return sm;

if(window.RADIANS == undefined)
window.RADIANS = window.radians = function(a){ return a*PI/180;};
if(window.DEGREES == undefined)
window.DEGREES = window.degrees = function(a){ return a*180/PI;};
fbuilderjQuery[ 'fbuilder' ][ 'extend_window' ]( fbuilderjQuery[ 'fbuilder' ][ 'modules' ][ 'default' ][ 'prefix' ], CF_LOGICAL );
'validator' : function( v )
return ( typeof v == 'number' ) ? isFinite( v ) : ( typeof v != 'undefined' );

