

public class DataRace {
private static class MyThreadCode implements Runnable {
private static int x = 0;   // NOTE THAT X IS STATIC!!!
public void run() {
for (int i = 0; i < 10000000; i++) {
System.out.println(x + "  " + Thread.currentThread().getName());

public static void main(String[] args) {
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
Thread t = new Thread(new MyThreadCode());


  • 因为x++x--不是原子的(请参阅为什么i++不是原子的?(,所以您得到了一个竞赛条件。线程1将加载x(0(的值。然后CPU可以切换到线程2,线程2也加载当前的x(0(。现在两者都在本地增加值,稍后将设置x。这意味着我们失去了增量
  • 因为x没有标记为volatile,我们也没有使用synchronized关键字,所以您不能保证线程确实看到了x的实际值。可能是,该值已经被另一个线程更新,但由于Java可见性保证,您无法保证其他线程看到什么(更新值或一些过时的"缓存"值(。也可能是其他线程尚未将更新x值写回内存(仅写入L1/L2缓存(







public void run() {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
System.out.println("Value of x by "+ Thread.currentThread().getName() + "is "+x);
Value of x by Thread-53is 54
Value of x by Thread-53is 100
Value of x by Thread-81is 82
Value of x by Thread-81is 99
Value of x by Thread-57is 58
Value of x by Thread-39is 40
Value of x by Thread-39is 98
Value of x by Thread-28is 29
Value of x by Thread-28is 97
Value of x by Thread-60is 61
Value of x by Thread-94is 95
Value of x by Thread-94is 96
Value of x by Thread-99is 100
Value of x by Thread-99is 95
Value of x by Thread-78is 79
Value of x by Thread-78is 94
Value of x by Thread-87is 88
Value of x by Thread-87is 93
Value of x by Thread-84is 85
Value of x by Thread-84is 92
Value of x by Thread-41is 42
Value of x by Thread-41is 91
Value of x by Thread-74is 75
Value of x by Thread-74is 90
Value of x by Thread-92is 93
Value of x by Thread-92is 89
Value of x by Thread-12is 13
Value of x by Thread-12is 88
Value of x by Thread-98is 99
Value of x by Thread-98is 87
Value of x by Thread-8is 9
Value of x by Thread-8is 86
Value of x by Thread-66is 67
Value of x by Thread-88is 89
Value of x by Thread-49is 50
Value of x by Thread-49is 85
Value of x by Thread-47is 48
Value of x by Thread-14is 15
Value of x by Thread-14is 84
Value of x by Thread-70is 71
Value of x by Thread-61is 62
Value of x by Thread-70is 83
Value of x by Thread-91is 92
Value of x by Thread-96is 98
Value of x by Thread-96is 82
Value of x by Thread-67is 68
Value of x by Thread-27is 28
Value of x by Thread-27is 81
Value of x by Thread-0is 1
Value of x by Thread-0is 80
Value of x by Thread-75is 76
Value of x by Thread-75is 79
Value of x by Thread-3is 4
Value of x by Thread-3is 78
Value of x by Thread-56is 57
Value of x by Thread-56is 77
Value of x by Thread-97is 97
Value of x by Thread-22is 23
Value of x by Thread-22is 76
Value of x by Thread-15is 16
Value of x by Thread-15is 75
Value of x by Thread-64is 65
Value of x by Thread-63is 64
Value of x by Thread-59is 60
Value of x by Thread-33is 34
Value of x by Thread-9is 10
Value of x by Thread-45is 46
Value of x by Thread-37is 38
Value of x by Thread-10is 11
Value of x by Thread-76is 77
Value of x by Thread-77is 78
Value of x by Thread-93is 94
Value of x by Thread-6is 7
Value of x by Thread-52is 53
Value of x by Thread-26is 27
Value of x by Thread-86is 87
Value of x by Thread-30is 31
Value of x by Thread-82is 83
Value of x by Thread-83is 84
Value of x by Thread-89is 90
Value of x by Thread-73is 74
Value of x by Thread-32is 33
Value of x by Thread-79is 80
Value of x by Thread-4is 5
Value of x by Thread-79is 74
Value of x by Thread-32is 74
Value of x by Thread-73is 74
Value of x by Thread-89is 74
Value of x by Thread-83is 74
Value of x by Thread-82is 74
Value of x by Thread-30is 74
Value of x by Thread-86is 74
Value of x by Thread-26is 74
Value of x by Thread-52is 74
Value of x by Thread-6is 74
Value of x by Thread-93is 74
Value of x by Thread-77is 74
Value of x by Thread-76is 74
Value of x by Thread-10is 74
Value of x by Thread-37is 74
Value of x by Thread-45is 74
Value of x by Thread-9is 74
Value of x by Thread-33is 74
Value of x by Thread-59is 74
Value of x by Thread-63is 74
Value of x by Thread-64is 74
Value of x by Thread-97is 76
Value of x by Thread-35is 36
Value of x by Thread-24is 25
Value of x by Thread-40is 41
Value of x by Thread-67is 81
Value of x by Thread-46is 47
Value of x by Thread-58is 59
Value of x by Thread-91is 82
Value of x by Thread-36is 37
Value of x by Thread-11is 12
Value of x by Thread-25is 26
Value of x by Thread-61is 83
Value of x by Thread-31is 32
Value of x by Thread-42is 43
Value of x by Thread-34is 35
Value of x by Thread-85is 86
Value of x by Thread-47is 84
Value of x by Thread-5is 6
Value of x by Thread-29is 30
Value of x by Thread-88is 85
Value of x by Thread-66is 85
Value of x by Thread-90is 91
Value of x by Thread-21is 22
Value of x by Thread-17is 18
Value of x by Thread-7is 8
Value of x by Thread-54is 55
Value of x by Thread-62is 63
Value of x by Thread-16is 17
Value of x by Thread-80is 81
Value of x by Thread-38is 39
Value of x by Thread-2is 3
Value of x by Thread-1is 2
Value of x by Thread-13is 14
Value of x by Thread-72is 73
Value of x by Thread-20is 21
Value of x by Thread-23is 24
Value of x by Thread-51is 52
Value of x by Thread-55is 56
Value of x by Thread-95is 96
Value of x by Thread-65is 66
Value of x by Thread-50is 51
Value of x by Thread-19is 20
Value of x by Thread-60is 96
Value of x by Thread-71is 72
Value of x by Thread-68is 69
Value of x by Thread-44is 45
Value of x by Thread-57is 98
Value of x by Thread-48is 49
Value of x by Thread-48is 43
Value of x by Thread-18is 19
Value of x by Thread-69is 70
Value of x by Thread-43is 44
Value of x by Thread-69is 42
Value of x by Thread-18is 42
Value of x by Thread-44is 44
Value of x by Thread-68is 44
Value of x by Thread-71is 44
Value of x by Thread-19is 45
Value of x by Thread-50is 45
Value of x by Thread-65is 45
Value of x by Thread-95is 45
Value of x by Thread-55is 45
Value of x by Thread-51is 45
Value of x by Thread-23is 45
Value of x by Thread-20is 45
Value of x by Thread-72is 45
Value of x by Thread-13is 45
Value of x by Thread-1is 45
Value of x by Thread-2is 45
Value of x by Thread-38is 45
Value of x by Thread-80is 45
Value of x by Thread-16is 45
Value of x by Thread-62is 45
Value of x by Thread-54is 45
Value of x by Thread-7is 45
Value of x by Thread-17is 45
Value of x by Thread-21is 45
Value of x by Thread-90is 45
Value of x by Thread-29is 47
Value of x by Thread-5is 47
Value of x by Thread-85is 48
Value of x by Thread-34is 48
Value of x by Thread-42is 48
Value of x by Thread-31is 48
Value of x by Thread-25is 49
Value of x by Thread-11is 49
Value of x by Thread-36is 49
Value of x by Thread-58is 50
Value of x by Thread-46is 50
Value of x by Thread-40is 51
Value of x by Thread-24is 51
Value of x by Thread-35is 51
Value of x by Thread-4is 74
Value of x by Thread-43is 42




private static class MyThreadCode implements Runnable {
private static AtomicInteger x = new AtomicInteger(0);
public void run() {
for (int i = 0; i < 10000000; i++) {
System.out.println(x + "  " + Thread.currentThread().getName());
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
System.out.println(x + "  " + Thread.currentThread().getName());



synchronized (x) {

