

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct Node
int data;
struct Node* next;
struct Node* Insert(struct Node* head, int data)
struct Node* temp = (struct Node*) malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
temp->data = data;
temp->next = NULL;
//If the list is empty
if (head == NULL)
head = temp;
else //The list is not empty
struct Node* temp1 = head;
while (temp1->next != NULL)
temp1 = temp1->next;
temp1->next = temp;
return head;
void Print(struct Node* head)
struct Node* temp = head;
while (temp != NULL)
printf("%d ", temp->data);
temp = temp->next;
struct Node* Reverse(struct Node* head)
struct Node* *prev, *current, *next;
current = head;
prev = NULL;
while (current != NULL)
next = current->next;
current->next = prev;
prev = current;
current = next;
head = prev;
return head;
int main()
struct Node* head = NULL;

printf("Enter the length of the linked list you want to create: ");
int length;
scanf("%d", &length);
printf("Enter the value you want to input: ");
int i;
for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
int x;
scanf("%d", &x);
head = Insert(head, x);

printf("Given linked listn"); 
head = Reverse(head);  
printf("nReversed linked list n"); 
return 0;

在这种情况下,在while条件中的第23行,您可以注意到程序正在使用temp1 = temp1->next,如果在到达链表的最后一个元素时将条件更改为temp1 != NULL,它将从内存中收集垃圾,甚至导致错误,因为NULL没有下一个位置。

因此,如果要访问列表中的数据,请使用temp1 != NULL;如果要操作链表的下一个位置,则使用temp1->next != NULL

因为链表末尾的temp1->nextNULL,但最后一个节点有数据,如果使用temp1 == NULL,则会说最后一个结点是NULL,但事实并非如此。因此,当";指向下一个节点的指针";是NULL,而不是当下一个节点是NULL时。
