
我儿子正试图制作一个计算器来帮助他完成许多页的家庭作业。我知道简单的解决方案是告诉他wolfram alpha,但我认为这可能是一个有趣的项目。我需要一些关于如何迭代其余数字并以分步格式打印解决方案的帮助。这就是他目前所拥有的:

#  Variables
X = input("input the first number with space between digits:  ")
Y = int(input("input the second number:  "))
Xn = X.split(" ")
if int(Xn[0]) >= Y:  # if Y fits in X the do a simple division and return the remainder  
Xy1 = int(Xn[0])
fit0 = int(Xy1 / Y)
rem0 = Xy1 - fit0 * Y
print(" It fits " + str(fit0), "times ", "    the remainder is:  " + str(rem0))
else:  # if Y does not fit in X the  add the first two strings of X  and convert them to integers then do a simple 
# division and return the remainder 
Xy0 = (int(Xn[0] + Xn[1])) 
fit = int(Xy0 / Y)
rem = Xy0 - fit * Y
print(" It fits " + str(fit), "times ", "    the remainder is:  " + str(rem))



x = "1 4 8 7"
divisor = 5
# convert x to a list of integers
x = [int(i) for i in  x.split(" ")]
dividend = x[0]
i = 0   # index of the current dividend digit
quotient = ""
while i < len(x)-1:
i += 1
quotient += str(dividend // divisor)
remainder = dividend % divisor
print(f"{dividend} / {divisor} -> {dividend // divisor} (remainder {remainder})")
dividend = remainder * 10 + x[i]

quotient += str(dividend // divisor)
remainder = dividend % divisor
print(f"{dividend} / {divisor} -> {dividend // divisor} (remainder {remainder})")
print(f"Result: {quotient} (remainder {remainder})")


1 / 5 -> 0 (remainder 1)
14 / 5 -> 2 (remainder 4)
48 / 5 -> 9 (remainder 3)
37 / 5 -> 7 (remainder 2)
Result: 297 (remainder 2)


x = float(input("input the first number:  "))
y = float(input("input the second number:  "))
print(f" It fits {x//y} times , the remainder is:  {x/y-x//y}")
