


import pandas as pd
data = pd.DataFrame({'x': ['jane','jane','jack','bill','jack','terra'],
'y': ['jack','jack','jane','terra','terra', 'jack']})
x      y
0   jane   jack
1   jane   jack
2   jack   jane
3   bill  terra
4   jack  terra
5  terra   jack


x      y  frequency
0   jane   jack          3
1   jack   jane          3
2   bill  terra          1
3   jack  terra          2
4  terra   jack          2


## Get size of of one direction for edge list
## rename column to 'frequency'
data.rename(columns = {0:'frequency'}, inplace = True) 
## copy dataframe to calculate other direction of edgelist 
data2 = data.copy() 
## reverse the names of columns
data2.rename(columns = {'x':'y', 'y':'x'}, inplace = True) 
## merge
data2 = data.merge(data2, left_on=['x','y'],right_on=['x','y'], suffixes = ['1','2']) 
## add the frequency to get total edge strength
data2['frequency'] = data2['frequency1']+data2['frequency2'] 
data3 = data2[['x','y','frequency']]

x      y  frequency
0   jack   jane          3
1   jack  terra          2
2   jane   jack          3
3  terra   jack          2




## Same steps as before to calculate frequency column
data.rename(columns = {0:'frequency'}, inplace = True) 
##Identify which of those cases will not work using a nested apply function. 
Inner loop returns the opposite direction of the edge and outer loop checks 
the sum of all cases where the original edge has another in the other 
Code these as 0's and 1's, and filter 0 to identify which edges 
need to be manually created and appended to the final result.
remaining_rows = data.loc[data.apply(lambda x: 1 if sum((x['x'], x['y']) == 
data.apply(lambda x: (x['y'], x['x']), axis = 1))>=1 else 0, axis = 1) ==0]
remaining_rows2.rename(columns = {'x':'y','y':'x'}, inplace = True)
remaining_rows = pd.concat([remaining_rows, remaining_rows2])
x      y  frequency
0  bill  terra          1
##Create the edges for the other direction and concat
remaining_rows2 = remaining_rows.copy()
remaining_rows2.rename(columns = {'x':'y','y':'x'}, inplace = True)
remaining_rows = pd.concat([remaining_rows, remaining_rows2])
x      y  frequency
0   bill  terra          1
0  terra   bill          1
## Yes! This is the piece that I can concat onto the other data frame so 
that I have a complete Edge list with a frequency column for each edge 
A=>B and B=>A.  After concatenating, remember to specify 
