当稀疏矩阵变得太大(Int Overflow错误)时,通过特征的Cholmod失败


CHOLMOD error: problem too large. file: C:suitesparseSuiteSparseCHOLMODInclude../Supernodal/cholmod_super_symbolic.c line: 683
CHOLMOD error: argument missing. file: C:suitesparseSuiteSparseCHOLMODInclude../Cholesky/cholmod_factorize.c line: 121

这是文件cholmod_super_symbolic.c line: 683中cholmod源代码的一部分,我认为第二个错误是由第一个错误引起的。

if (ssize < 0 ||(find_xsize && xxsize > Int_max))
/* Int overflow, clear workspace and return.
QR factorization will not use xxsize, so that error is ignored.
For Cholesky factorization, however, memory of space xxsize
will be allocated, so this is a failure.  Both QR and Cholesky
fail if ssize overflows. */
ERROR (CHOLMOD_TOO_LARGE, "problem too large") ;
return (FALSE) ;

我想可能是因为int索引溢出,但我不知道如何修复它,我尝试过更小的矩阵,效果很好。此外,我还试图将特征定义(Eigen::SparseMatrix<double,0,long int > SPaMtr(中稀疏矩阵A的_StorageIndexint改为long int,但我有一个复杂的错误:cannot convert argument 3 from 'const long *' to 'const int *'

