

  • /images/image1/100.jpg、200.jpg、500.jpg、1000.jpg
  • /images/image2/100.jpg、200.jpg、500.jpg、1000.jpg



当然!这里有一个自定义插件,它需要Workbox v6,并利用新的handlerDidError生命周期事件来提供回退:

import {registerRoute} from 'workbox-routing';
import {CacheFirst} from 'workbox-strategies';
// Replace with your desired cache name.
const imagesCacheName = 'images-cache';
function parseImageNameAndSize(url) {
const pattern = new RegExp('/([^/]+)/(\d+)\.jpg$');
const [_, name, size] = pattern.exec(url) || [];
// This will return [undefined, NaN] when there's no match.
return [name, parseInt(size)];
async imageFallback({error, request}) {
let largestSize = -1;
let cacheKeyOfLargestImage;
const [originalName, _] = parseImageNameAndSize(request.url);
// If the URL doesn't match our RegExp, re-throw the underlying error.
if (!originalName) {
throw error;
const cache = await caches.open(imagesCacheName);
const cachedRequests = await cache.keys();
// Iterate through all of the cache entries to find matches:
for (const cachedRequest of cachedRequests) {
const [name, size] = parseImageNameAndSize(cachedRequest.url);
if ((name === originalName) && (size > largestSize)) {
largestSize = size;
cacheKeyOfLargestImage = cachedRequest;
if (cacheKeyOfLargestImage) {
// If we have the cache key for the largest image that meets
// the conditions, return the cached response.
return cache.match(cacheKeyOfLargestImage);
// If there is no image the cache that satisfies these conditions,
// re-throw the underlying error.
throw error;
// Now, use the callback as a plugin by associating it with
// handerDidError in the strategy of your choice
// (CacheFirst, StaleWhileRevalidate, etc.):
// Match any request whose path ends in .jpg
({url}) => url.pathname.endsWith('.jpg'),
new CacheFirst({
cacheName: imagesCacheName,
plugins: [
{handlerDidError: imageFallback},
// Add any other plugins you want.


