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binary.fsx(67,5): error FS0030: Value restriction. The value 'formatP' has been inferred to have generic type
val formatP : ((int * bool) list -> '_a -> unit) when '_a :> OutState
Either make the arguments to 'formatP' explicit or, if you do not intend for it to be generic, add a type annotation.
  • 如果粘贴所有脚本,包括formatP之后的函数
let writeData file data =
use outStream = BinaryWriter(File.OpenWrite(file))
formatP data outStream
let readData file =
use inStream = BinaryReader(File.OpenRead(file))
formatU inStream



即为什么在CCD_ 4之后声明的函数允许该函数编译。


open System.IO
type OutState = BinaryWriter
type InState = BinaryReader
type Pickler<'T> = 'T -> OutState -> unit
type Unpickler<'T> = InState -> 'T
// P is the suffix for pickling and U is the suffix for unpickling
let byteP (b : byte) (st : OutState) = st.Write(b)
let byteU (st : InState) = st.ReadByte()
let boolP b st = byteP (if b then 1uy else 0uy) st
let boolU st = let b = byteU st in (b = 1uy)
let int32P i st =
byteP (byte (i &&& 0xFF)) st
byteP (byte ((i >>> 8) &&& 0xFF)) st
byteP (byte ((i >>> 16) &&& 0xFF)) st
byteP (byte ((i >>> 24) &&& 0xFF)) st
let int32U st =
let b0 = int (byteU st)
let b1 = int (byteU st)
let b2 = int (byteU st)
let b3 = int (byteU st)
b0 ||| (b1 <<< 8) ||| (b2 <<< 16) ||| (b3 <<< 24)
let tup2P p1 p2 (a, b) (st : OutState) =
(p1 a st : unit)
(p2 b st : unit)
let tup3P p1 p2 p3 (a, b, c) (st : OutState) =
(p1 a st : unit)
(p2 b st : unit)
(p3 c st : unit)
let tup2U p1 p2 (st : InState) =
let a = p1 st
let b = p2 st
(a, b)
let tup3U p1 p2 p3 (st : InState) =
let a = p1 st
let b = p2 st
let c = p3 st
(a, b, c)
/// Outputs a list into the given output stream by pickling each element via f.
/// A zero indicates the end of a list, a 1 indicates another element of a list.
let rec listP f lst st =
match lst with
| [] -> byteP 0uy st
| h :: t -> byteP 1uy st; f h st; listP f t st
// Reads a list from a given input stream by unpickling each element via f.
let listU f st =
let rec loop acc =
let tag = byteU st
match tag with
| 0uy -> List.rev acc
| 1uy -> let a = f st in loop (a :: acc)
| n -> failwithf "listU: found number %d" n
loop []
type format = list<int32 * bool>
//the types in these two lines only get fully inferred if the lines after are part of the batch
let formatP = listP (tup2P int32P boolP)
let formatU = listU (tup2U int32U boolU)
//IE if you only run to here it is an error
let writeData file data =
use outStream = BinaryWriter(File.OpenWrite(file))
formatP data outStream
let readData file =
use inStream = BinaryReader(File.OpenRead(file))
formatU inStream
//If you run to here it does not error
writeData "out.bin" [(102, true); (108, false)] ;;
readData "out.bin"



但是,为什么编译器首先认为listP是通用的呢?我对此不确定。它推断st必须与OutState兼容,从面向对象的角度来看这是正确的。但它将其表示为一个通用约束,使用st : #OutState而不仅仅是st : OutState。(F#称之为"灵活类型"。(然后,这个通用约束级联到formatP,导致您报告的问题。对F#编译器有更多了解的人可能能够解释这一点。


type Example() = class end
let alpha (_ : Example) =
let beta f x =
alpha (f x)
let gamma = beta id
// let delta = gamma (Example())



let beta (f : Example -> Example) (x : Example) =
alpha (f x)

