

  • 使用实现接口的普通函数表达式
  • 或在类中声明方法时直接在类主体中重载




以下是Typescript Playground 中也可用的示例代码

// it works with interface for plain function
interface common {
<T extends boolean>(flag: T): T extends true ? string : boolean ;
(flag: boolean): string | boolean;
const method: common = (flag: boolean) => {
if (flag) {
return 'truhty';
} else {
return false ;
// it works with plain method overload
function test(flag: true): string
function test(flag: false): boolean
function test(flag: boolean): string | boolean {
if (flag) {
return 'truthy'
} else {
return false;
const x = test(true);
const y = test(false);
// This works with direct class method overload
class Exp {
test(flag: true): string
test(flag: false): boolean
test(flag: boolean): string | boolean {
if (flag) {
return 'truthy'
} else {
return false;
const val = new Exp().test(false); // boolean!
const val2 = new Exp().test(true); // string!

// It does not work in class with interface overload
interface common2 {
test(flag: true): string
test(flag: false): boolean
test(flag: boolean): string | boolean
class Exp2 implements common2 {
test(flag: boolean) {
if (flag) {
return 'truthy'
} else {
return false;
// it is not working in class with generic conditional type
interface common3 {
test<T extends boolean>(flag: T): T extends true ? string: boolean
test(flag: boolean): string | boolean
class Exp3 implements common3 {
test(flag: boolean) {
if (flag) {
return 'truthy';
} else {
return false;

const val3 = new Exp3().test(false); // WRONG false | 'truthy'!
const val4 = new Exp3().test(true); // WRONG false | 'truthy'!

// it does not work with conditional directly in class
class Exp4 {
test<T extends boolean>(flag: T): T extends true ? string : boolean
test(flag: boolean) {
if (flag) {
return 'truthy';
} else {
return false;
const val5 = new Exp3().test(false); // WRONG false | 'truthy'!
const val6 = new Exp3().test(true); // WRONG false | 'truthy'!


class Exp2 implements common2 {
test(flag: true): string;
test(flag: false): boolean;
test(flag: boolean): string | boolean {
if (flag) {
return 'truthy'
} else {
return false;






type ResType<T extends boolean> = T extends true ? string : boolean;
interface common3 {
test<T extends boolean>(flag: T): ResType<T>
class Exp3 implements common3 {
test<T extends boolean>(flag: T): ResType<T> {
if (flag) {
return 'truthy' as ResType<T>;
} else {
return false as ResType<T>;

const val3 = new Exp3().test(false); // boolean
const val4 = new Exp3().test(true); //  string

