

final ClassLoader classloader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
final InputStream configIs = classloader.getResourceAsStream("config.yml");

if(configIs != null) {
final File configFile = new File(chosenPath + "/config.yml");
Files.copy(configIs, configFile.toPath(), StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);


Entry:config.yml path:resources/problems.json


final String resourcePath = "resources/problems.json";
final File jarFile = new File(getClass().getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().getPath());
if(jarFile.exists() && jarFile.isFile()) {  // Run with JAR file
System.out.println("Run as jar");
try {
final JarFile jar = new JarFile(jarFile);
final Enumeration<JarEntry> entries = jar.entries(); //gives ALL entries in jar
while(entries.hasMoreElements()) {
final String name = entries.nextElement().getName();
System.out.println("Entry:" + name + " path:" + resourcePath);
if (name.startsWith(resourcePath)) { //filter according to the path
} catch (IOException exception) {


* Text files loaded with this method should work either within the IDE or your 
* distributive JAR file.<br><br>
* <b>Example Usage:</b><pre>
* {@code 
*  try {
*       List<String> list = loadFileFromResources("/resources/textfiles/data_2.txt");
*       for (String str : list) {
*           System.out.println(str);
*       }
*   }
*   catch (IOException ex) {
*       System.err.println(ex);
*   } }</pre><br>
* As shown in the example usage above the file path requires the Resource 
* folder to be named "resources" which also contains a sub-folder named 
* "textfiles". This resource folder is to be located directly within the 
* Project "src" folder, for example:<pre>
*      ProjectDirectoryName
*          bin
*          build 
*          lib
*          dist
*          src
*              resources
*                  images
*                      myImage_1.png
*                      myImage_2.jpg
*                      myImage_3.gif
*                  textfiles
*                      data_1.txt
*                      data_2.txt
*                      data_3.txt
*          test</pre><br>
* Upon creating the resources/images and resources/textfiles folders within 
* the src folder, your IDE should have created two packages within the Project 
* named resources.images and resources.textfiles. Images would of course be 
* related to the resources.images package and Text Files would be related to 
* the resources.textfiles package.<br>
* @param filePath (String) Based on the example folder structure above this 
* would be (as an example):<pre>
*    <b>  "/resources/textfiles/data_2.txt"  </b></pre>
* @return ({@code List<String>}) A List of String containing the file's content.
public List<String> loadFileFromResources(String filePath) throws java.io.IOException {
List<String> lines = new ArrayList<>();
try (java.io.InputStream in = getClass().getResourceAsStream(filePath);
java.io.BufferedReader reader = new java.io.BufferedReader(new java.io.InputStreamReader(in))) {
String line;
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
return lines;
