

1 csv:

column1   column2    column3
aaa       bla        baba
ccc       bla        babab3
abc       bla        bababa3

2 csv:

column1   column4     column5
abc       dla2        blabla2
ddd       dla         blabla
ccc       dla1        blabla1
aaa       dla1        blabla1


column1   column2   column3   column4   column5 
aaa       bla        baba     dla1      blabla1
ccc       bla        babab3   dla1      blabla1
abc       bla        bababa3  dla2      blabla2


# Import both CSV files.
$rowsA = Import-Csv 1.csv
$rowsB = Import-Csv 2.csv
# The name of the shared column to join by.
$sharedCol = 'Column1'
# Get the column names of 2.csv, excluding the shared one.
$colsB = $rowsB[0].psobject.Properties.Name -ne $sharedCol
# Create a map (hashtable) that maps the shared column
# values to the column values of the matching 2.csv rows.
$map = @{}
$rowsB.ForEach({ $map[$_.$sharedCol] = $_.psobject.Properties[$colsB] })
# Construct empty helper properties for those $sharedCol values in 1.csv
# that have no counterpart in 2.csv
$emptyPropsB = 
([pscustomobject] @{} | Select-Object -Property $colsB).psobject.Properties
$rowsA | ForEach-Object {
$rowA = $_
# Find the matching 2.csv row's column values. If not found, use empty ones.
$colValuesB = $map[$rowA.$sharedCol]
if (-not $colValuesB) { $colValuesB = $emptyPropsB }
# Append the column values from the 2.csv row to the 1.csv row at hand.
$colValuesB.ForEach({ $rowA.psobject.Properties.Add($_) })
$rowA # Output the merged row.
} # | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Encoding utf8 updated.csv


if (-not $colValuesB) { $colValuesB = $emptyPropsB }替换为
if (-not $colValuesB) { return }
此外,您不需要$emptyPropsB = ...语句。


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