


TabView {
ForEach(0..<5) { idx in
Text("Cell: (idx)")




TabView {
ForEach(0..<5) { idx in
Text("Cell: (idx)")
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: .infinity)
.gesture(DragGesture())      // this blocks swipe

使用Xcode 12.1/iOS 14.1 进行测试



TabView {
ForEach(0..<5) { idx in
Text("Cell: (idx)")
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: .infinity)

对我有效的解决方案就是这个。它禁止通过滑动来更改选项卡,并保持屏幕上启用拖动手势,就像我在某些屏幕上使用List .onDelete一样。

它只能从iOS 16 中获得

@State private var selectedTab = 1
TabView(selection: $selectedTab) {
Text("Tab 1")
.toolbar(.hidden, for: .tabBar)
Text("Tab 2")
.toolbar(.hidden, for: .tabBar)
Text("Tab 3")
.toolbar(.hidden, for: .tabBar)


private enum PagingTransition {
case next, previous
var value: AnyTransition {
switch self {
case .next:
return AnyTransition.asymmetric(insertion: .move(edge: .trailing), removal: .move(edge: .leading))
case .previous:
return AnyTransition.asymmetric(insertion: .move(edge: .leading), removal: .move(edge: .trailing))
private func isOptional(_ instance: Any) -> Bool {
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: instance)
let style = mirror.displayStyle
return style == .optional
/// Erases generics to get views out of `ForEach`
fileprivate protocol ViewGeneratable {
func generateViews() -> [any View]
extension ForEach: ViewGeneratable {
func generateViews() -> [any View] {
self.data.map { self.content($0) as! any View }
/// A paging `TabView` replacement that doesn't allow for the user to interact
/// Follows SwiftUI calling conventions as best as possible with dirty reflection
/// https://www.fivestars.blog/articles/inspecting-views/
struct RestrictedPagingView<SelectionType: Hashable & Comparable, Content: View>: View {
let selection: SelectionType
@State private var selectionInternal: SelectionType
@State private var transition: AnyTransition = PagingTransition.next.value
private var views: [SelectionType: any View] = [:]

init(selection: SelectionType, @ViewBuilder content: () -> Content) {
self.selection = selection
self._selectionInternal = State(initialValue: selection)

// Attempt reflection
generateViews(from: content(), withBaseTag: selection)

/// This is the most big brain shit I've coded in a long time
/// Reflects SwiftUI views and puts them in a dictionary to use within the paging view
private mutating func generateViews(from instance: Any, withBaseTag baseTag: SelectionType) {
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: instance)

// Is this a tuple view?
if let value = mirror.descendant("value") {
// Yes, so call this function recusrively until it isn't
let count = Mirror(reflecting: value).children.count
for i in 0..<count {
generateViews(from: mirror.descendant("value", ".(i)")!, withBaseTag: baseTag)
} else if isOptional(instance) {
// This is an Optional, so check if it has a value
if let child = mirror.children.first?.value {
// It does, send it back through the function
generateViews(from: child, withBaseTag: baseTag)
} else if let content = mirror.descendant("content") {
// This is a ForEach loop, so unwrap and deal with all views separately
if mirror.descendant("contentID") != nil {
for view in (instance as! ViewGeneratable).generateViews() {
generateViews(from: view, withBaseTag: baseTag)
// This is a tagged view, extract the tag and the content and put them in the dictionary
let tag: SelectionType = mirror.descendant("modifier", "value", "tagged") as! SelectionType
views[tag] = (content as! any View)
} else {
// Just insert the view with a baseline tag
views[baseTag] = (instance as! any View)

// TODO: Handle removed conditional views more gracefully
var body: some View {
ForEach(views.keys.sorted(by: >), id: .self) { idx in
if idx == selectionInternal {
.onChange(of: selection) { newSelection in
if newSelection > selectionInternal {
transition = PagingTransition.next.value
} else {
transition = PagingTransition.previous.value
withAnimation(.easeInOut(duration: 0.25)) {
selectionInternal = newSelection
private struct RestrictedPagingViewPreview: View {
@State private var index = 1
@State private var allow = false

var body: some View {
VStack {
RestrictedPagingView(selection: index) {
ZStack {
ZStack {
ZStack {
ZStack {
Button("FOURTH") {
print("button activated")
if allow {
ZStack {
Text("Should be hidden (5)")
ZStack {
Text("Should be hidden (6)")
ForEach(7..<11, id: .self) { tagVal in
ZStack {
Text("This view is generated by a ForEach loop! ((tagVal))")
Button("INCR") {
index += 1
Button("INCR 2") {
index += 2
Button("DECR") {
index -= 1
Button("DECR 2") {
index -= 2
Toggle("Show", isOn: $allow)
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: .infinity)
struct RestrictedPagingView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
