


Test User01,testuser01@gmail.com
Test User02,testuser02@gmail.com


$users = import-csv "D:UserListTest1.csv"
$groupID = Get-AzureADGroup -SearchString "TestGroup" | Select-Object ObjectId, displayname
foreach ($email in $users) {
# Pull usersAAD email list from AzureAD
$usersAAD = Get-AzureADUser -SearchString $($email.InvitedUserEmailAddress) | Select-Object ObjectId, displayname, mail
# Users from CSV not in AzureAD
if ($usersAAD.mail -eq $null) {
Write-Host "User $($usersAAD.displayname) does not exist in AzureAD" -ForegroundColor Red
else {
# Pull AzureAD user group membership from users that exist in AzureAD
$ExistingGroups = Get-AzureADUserMembership -ObjectId $usersAAD.ObjectId | Select-Object displayname, objectid
# Users that are already members of the AzureAD group
if ($ExistingGroups.ObjectId -eq $groupID.objectId) {
Write-Host "$($usersAAD.displayname) already exists in $($groupID.displayname)" -ForeGroundColor Yellow
else {
# Add users to AzureAD group if they are not already part of AzureAD group
Add-AzureADGroupMember -ObjectId $groupID.ObjectId -RefObjectId $usersAAD.ObjectId
Write-Host "Added $($usersAAD.displayname) to $($GroupID.displayname)" -ForeGroundColor Green


# Users from CSV not in AzureAD
if ($usersAAD.mail -eq $null) {
Write-Host "User $($usersAAD.displayname) does not exist in AzureAD" -ForegroundColor Red


Test User01 already exists in TestGroup  
User  does not exist in AzureAD 


一个可能与它有关的奇怪的事情是我的$usersAAD变量在我运行整个东西之后似乎是空的。如果我在整个程序运行之后执行write-host $usersAAD(即使它正确地邀请了用户),它不会返回任何结果。

如注释中所解释的,当条件$usersAAD.mail -eq $null$true时,"User $($usersAAD.displayname) does not...指的是一个不存在的对象($null),这就是为什么在您的输出中您得到User does not exist in AzureAD。要解决这个问题,您可以参考集合(Csv中的项目($email)。


$groupID = Get-AzureADGroup -SearchString "TestGroup"
foreach ($email in Import-Csv "D:UserListTest1.csv") {
# if this user exists in Azure AD
if ($usersAAD = Get-AzureADUser -SearchString $email.InvitedUserEmailAddress) {
# get the membership
$ExistingGroups = Get-AzureADUserMembership -ObjectId $usersAAD.ObjectId
# and check if the test group is part of the user membership
# (notice `-contains` here is faster than `-eq` !!!)
if ($ExistingGroups.ObjectId -contains $groupID.objectId) {
Write-Host "$($usersAAD.displayname) already exists in $($groupID.displayname)" -ForeGroundColor Yellow
# if this condition was `$true` just go to the next item in our loop
# if we're here above condition was `$false`, so add this user to the test group
Add-AzureADGroupMember -ObjectId $groupID.ObjectId -RefObjectId $usersAAD.ObjectId
Write-Host "Added $($usersAAD.displayname) to $($GroupID.displayname)" -ForeGroundColor Green
# and go to next item in loop
# if we're here we can assume the user did not exist in Azure AD, hence:
Write-Host "User $($email.Name) does not exist in AzureAD" -ForegroundColor Red
