

D1 = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21}



def r(x, y):
R = [[9, 7], [9, 5], [9, 3], [9, 1], [7, 5], [7, 3], [7, 1], [5, 3], [3, 1]]
return([x, y] in R)
rIsTransitive = True
for a in D1:
for b in D1:
for c in D1:
for d in D1:
if(r(a, b) and b == c):
rIsTransitive = False
print('The triple (' + str(a) + ',' + str(b) + ',' + str(c) + ') shows that r is not transitive')

if (rIsTransitive):
print('The relation r on domain D1 is transitive.')
print('The relation r on domain D1 is not transitive.')
print(' ')


The triple (5,3,1) shows that r is not transitive
The relation r on domain D1 is not transitive.


The triple (9,5,5) shows that r is not transitive
The triple (9,5,5) shows that r is not transitive
The triple (9,5,5) shows that r is not transitive
The triple (9,7,7) shows that r is not transitive
The triple (9,7,7) shows that r is not transitive
The triple (9,7,7) shows that r is not transitive
The triple (9,7,7) shows that r is not transitive
The triple (9,7,7) shows that r is not transitive
The triple (9,7,7) shows that r is not transitive
The triple (9,7,7) shows that r is not transitive
The triple (9,7,7) shows that r is not transitive
The triple (9,7,7) shows that r is not transitive
The triple (9,7,7) shows that r is not transitive
The triple (9,7,7) shows that r is not transitive
The relation r on domain D1 is not transitive.


def r(x, y):
R = [[9, 7], [9, 5], [9, 3], [9, 1], [7, 5], [7, 3], [7, 1], [5, 3], [3, 1]]
return([x, y] in R)
rIsTransitive = True
for a in D1:
for b in D1:
for c in D1:
if(r(a, b) and b > c):
rIsTransitive = False
print('The triple (' + str(a) + ',' + str(b) + ',' + str(c) + ') shows that r is not transitive')
if rIsTransitive == False:

if (rIsTransitive):
print('The relation r on domain D1 is transitive.')
print('The relation r on domain D1 is not transitive.')
print(' ')

鉴于Mark Dickinson的评论澄清,

你可以迭代你的列表和解包你的子数组在一次使用for a,b in s

则需要2个循环(见下文),一个用于第一对,一个用于第二对。因为你的集合是有序的,你只需要检查b == c和数组[a,d]在集合中,然后你需要输出a,b,d否则你会看到一个带有b==c的三元组


s = [[9, 7], [9, 5], [9, 3], [9, 1], [7, 5], [7, 3], [7, 1], [5, 3], [3, 1]]
def my_non_transitivity_genenerator(value_set):
for a,b in s:
for c,d in s:
yield (b==c and [a,d] not in s,a,b,c,d)
checker = my_non_transitivity_genenerator(s)
for t,a,b,c,d in checker:
if t:
print(f'The triple ({a},{b},{d}) is not transitive')
print('The relation r on domain D1 is transitive.')
