

d x f p
o y a a
z t i b
l z t z

在这个图节点"d"与[x, y, o]相邻。我想检查节点的序列是否。存在于图中,其中每个后续节点与下一个相邻。它的主要应用是一个单词搜索游戏,只有字母相邻的单词才算数。例如,序列"zap"不算数,因为节点不是相邻的。我不需要检查序列是否为实字,只需要检查它在图中是否相邻。我的图表如下:

// graph.h
#include <queue>
#include "SLList.h"
#include "DynArray.h"
template<typename Type>
class Graph {
struct Edge {
unsigned int toVertex; // index to vertex the edge connects to 

struct Vertex {
// the data that this vertex is storing
Type element;
// the list of edges that connect this vertex to another vertex
SLList<Edge> edges;
// Function : addEdge
// Parameters : toVertex - the index of the vertex we are adjacent to
void addEdge(const unsigned int& toVertex) {
Edge e;
e.toVertex = toVertex;
// dynarray of vertices
DynArray<Vertex> vertices;
// helper function to check if a vertex is a in a queue
bool IsInQueue(DynArray<Edge> arrayOfEdges, unsigned int _toVertex) {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < arrayOfEdges.size(); ++i) {
if (arrayOfEdges[i].toVertex == _toVertex)
return true;

return false;
// Function : addVertex
// Parameters : value - the data to store in this vertex
// Return : unsigned int - the index this vertex was added at
unsigned int addVertex(const Type& value) {
Vertex v;
v.element = value;
return vertices.size();
// Function : operator[]
// Parameters : index - the index in the graph to access
// Return : Vertex& - the vertex stored at the specified index
Vertex& operator[](const unsigned int& index) {
return vertices[index];
// Function : size
// Return : unsiged int - the number of vertices in the graph
unsigned int size() const {
return vertices.size();
// Function : clear
// Notes : clears the graph and readies it for re-use
void clear() {
// for each node, remove all its edges
// then remove the node from the array
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vertices.size(); ++i) {

So far I try:

my algorithm:
finding the starting node
setting a current node to this start node
searching all edges of the current node for the next node in sequence without visiting nodes that have been visited
if next node in sequence is found then current is set to next and next is incremented
if current == end and next == null then return true
else false


在c++中使用my graph.h解决方案。


#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
struct Graph{
int rows, cols;
vector <vector<char>> grid;
// DFS: Recursively tries all possible paths - SEE THE BELOW FUNCTION FIRST
void dfs(int r, int c, size_t len, string &str, bool &done, auto &vis, auto &path){
// if (len == str.size()), that means that we've found a path that
// corresponds to the whole string, meaning that we are done.
if(len == str.size()){
done = true;
// Check all nodes surrounding the node at row r and column c
for(int next_r = r-1; next_r <= r+1; ++next_r){
for(int next_c = c-1; next_c <= c+1; ++next_c){
// Bounds check on next_r and next_c
if(next_r < 0 || next_r >= rows){continue;}
else if(next_c < 0 || next_c >= cols){continue;}
// KEY: We don't visit nodes that we have visited before!
// ONLY if grid[next_r][next_c] happens to be the next character in str
// that we are looking for, recurse.
if(grid[next_r][next_c] == str[len]){
vis[next_r][next_c] = true;
path.push_back({next_r, next_c});
dfs(next_r, next_c, len + 1, str, done, vis, path);
// If done is true, that means we must've set it to true in
// the previous function call, which means we have found
// a valid path. This means we should keep return-ing.
vis[next_r][next_c] = false;
if(done){return;} // see the above comment
// Returns a vector <pair<int, int>> detailing the path, if any, in the grid
// that would produce str.
vector <pair<int, int>> get_path_of(string &str){
bool done = false;
vector <pair<int, int>> path;
// Try starting a DFS from every possible starting point until we find a valid
// path
for(int r = 0; r < rows; ++r){
for(int c = 0; c < cols; ++c){
vector <vector<bool>> vis(rows, vector <bool> (cols, false));
dfs(r, c, 0, str, done, vis, path);
// Found a path during the above function call! We can return now
return path;
return {};
Graph(int r, int c){
rows = r;
cols = c;
grid = vector <vector<char>> (r, vector <char> (c));
int main()
// Input in the number of rows and columns in the grid
int R, C;
cin >> R >> C;
Graph G(R, C);
// Input the letters of the grid to G
for(int i = 0; i < R; ++i){
for(int j = 0; j < C; ++j){
cin >> G.grid[i][j];
// Input the strings to find in G
string str;
while(cin >> str){
vector <pair<int, int>> path = G.get_path_of(str);
cout << "PATH OF " << str << ": ";
for(const pair <int, int> &item : path){
cout << "{" << item.first << ", " << item.second << "} ";
cout << "n";
return 0;


