2022-04-17 00:00:00.9999|ERROR|texte:texte|texte \DATABASEPathPathPathPathItem[Item Name] (ID:########-####-####-###-############ Rank:#). description of the error.
然后我想恢复日期和错误元素的完整路径(DATABASE path path path path path Item[Item Name])以及错误的描述并删除重复项。我也不知道是否可以直接将日期,路径和消息在csv文件中的三列分开。
2022-04-17 00:00:00.9999|ERROR|ANDataCache:Configuration|################# Error when adding input attributes to data cache (Failed:8/Total:12) [99.9999999999999 ms].
2022-04-17 00:00:00.9999|ERROR|ANCalculationEngine:Configuration|Failed to initialize \DATABASEPath1Path2Path3Path4Item[1. Item Name] (ID:########-####-####-###-############ Rank:#). Failed to resolve required input 'input A name'
Failed to resolve required input 'input B name'
No output is defined.
2022-04-17 00:00:00.9999|WARN|ANTimeClassManagerHelper:Configuration|Ignoring partial cache signup errors for \DATABASEPath1Path2Path3Path4Item[1. Item Name] (ID:########-####-####-###-############ Rank:#). Failed to signup some input(s) for receiving updates.
Net Volume in Tank: Point not found 'Point Name'.
2022-04-17 00:00:00.9999|ERROR|ANCalculationEngine:Configuration|Failed to initialize \DATABASEPath1Path2Path3Path4Item[1. Item Name] (ID:########-####-####-###-############ Rank:#). Failed to resolve required input 'input name'
There is no time rule configured for this analysis.
No output is defined.
2022-04-17 00:00:00.9999|WARN|###########:#########|############[#####] Ignoring attempt to remove non-existent calculation '\DATABASEPath1Path2Path3Path4Item[1. Item Name] (ID:########-####-####-###-############ Rank:#)'
2022-04-17 00:00:00.9999|ERROR|ANDataCache:Configuration|DataCache:################ Error when adding input attributes to data cache (Failed:8/Total:12) [99.9999999999999 ms].
(我只是想检索错误与路径("DATABASE path path path path path Item[项目名称]"),而不是警告日志或错误没有路径)
$File = "logs.txt"
$Pattern = '([ERROR[^\]+(?<DatabasePath>[^\]]+])(?<ErrorText>[^rn]+=)'
$Content = Get-Content $File
[regex]::Matches($Content, $Pattern).Value | Set-Content "output.csv"
$File = "logs.txt"
$Pattern = '(?<=\DATABASE\).+?(?=])'
$Content = Get-Content $File
[regex]::Matches($Content, $Pattern).Value | Set-Content "output.csv"
$re = [regex]"(?m)(?<date>^[d-]+s[d:.]+)|ERROR|.*?(?<path>\[\ws[.]]+).*?.(?<description>[ws'r?n.]+$)"
& {
$content = Get-Content $File -Raw
foreach($match in $re.Matches($content)) {
$date, $path, $description = $match.Groups['date','path','description']
Date = $date.Value -as [datetime]
Path = $path.Value.Trim()
Description = ($description.Value -replace 'r?n', ' ').Trim()
} | Export-Csv "output.csv" -NoTypeInformation
PS /> $output | Format-Table
Date Path Description
---- ---- -----------
4/17/2022 12:00:00 AM \DATABASEPath1Path2Path3Path4Item[1. Item Name] Failed to resolve required input 'input A name'. F…
4/17/2022 12:00:00 AM \DATABASEPath1Path2Path3Path4Item[1. Item Name] Failed to resolve required input 'input name'. The…
PS /> $output[0].Description
Failed to resolve required input 'input A name' Failed to resolve required input 'input B name' No output is defined.
如果你想保持当前文件中的日期格式,可以删除-as [datetime]