

| Message                                  | Status        | Adress         | Changes          | Test             | Calibration     |
| Hello World                              | Active        | up             |                1 |               up |            done |
| Hello Everyone Here                      | Passive       | up             |                2 |             down |            none |
| Hi there. My name is Eric. How are you?  | Down          | up             |                3 |         inactive |            done |
| Message                    | Status        | Adress         | Changes          | Test             | Calibration     |
| What's up?                 | Active        | up             |                1 |               up |            done |
| Hi. I'm Otilia             | Passive       | up             |                2 |             down |            none |
| Hi there. This is Marcus   | Up            | up             |                3 |         inactive |            done |


cat File.txt | cut -c -44
| Message                                  |
| Hello World                              |
| Hello Everyone Here                      |
| Hi there. My name is Eric. How are you?  |
| Message                    | Status
| What's up?                 | Active
| Hi. I'm Otilia             | Passive
| Hi there. This is Marcus   | Up

cat File.txt | cut -c 44-60
| Status        |
| Active        |
| Passive       |
| Down          |
  | Adress
  | up
  | up
  | up


cat File.txt | awk 'BEGIN {FS="|";}{print $2,$3}'
 Message                                    Status
 Hello World                                Active
 Hello Everyone Here                        Passive
 Hi there. My name is Eric. How are you?    Down

 Message                      Status
 What's up?                   Active
 Hi. I'm Otilia               Passive
 Hi there. This is Marcus     Up


| Message                                  |
| Hello World                              |
| Hello Everyone Here                      |
| Hi there. My name is Eric. How are you?  |
| Message                    |
| What's up?                 | 
| Hi. I'm Otilia             | 
| Hi there. This is Marcus   | 

| Message                                  | Status        |
| Hello World                              | Active        |
| Hello Everyone Here                      | Passive       |
| Hi there. My name is Eric. How are you?  | Down          |
| Message                    | Status        | 
| What's up?                 | Active        | 
| Hi. I'm Otilia             | Passive       | 
| Hi there. This is Marcus   | Up            | 


| Message                                  | Adress         | Test             |
| Hello World                              | up             |               up |
| Hello Everyone Here                      | up             |             down |
| Hi there. My name is Eric. How are you?  | up             |         inactive |
| Message                    |Adress         | Test             |
| What's up?                 |up             |               up |
| Hi. I'm Otilia             |up             |             down |
| Hi there. This is Marcus   |up             |         inactive |


使用GNU awk的一个想法:

awk -v fldlist="2,3" '
BEGIN { fldcnt=split(fldlist,fields,",") }                      # split fldlist into array fields[]
      { split($0,arr,/[|+]/,seps)                               # split current line on dual delimiters "|" and "+"
        for (i=1;i<=fldcnt;i++)                                 # loop through our array of fields (fldlist)
            printf "%s%s", seps[fields[i]-1], arr[fields[i]]    # print leading separator/delimiter and field
        printf "%sn", seps[fields[fldcnt]]                     # print trailing separator/delimiter and terminate line
' File.txt


  • 需要GNU awk作为split()函数的第四个参数(seps ==分隔符数组;
  • 假设我们的字段分隔符(|, +)不作为数据
  • 的一部分显示
  • 输入变量fldlist是一个逗号分隔的列列表,模仿将传递给cut的内容(例如,当一行以分隔符开始时,字段#1为空白)


| Message                                  | Status        |
| Hello World                              | Active        |
| Hello Everyone Here                      | Passive       |
| Hi there. My name is Eric. How are you?  | Down          |
| Message                    | Status        |
| What's up?                 | Active        |
| Hi. I'm Otilia             | Passive       |
| Hi there. This is Marcus   | Up            |


| Message                                  | Adress         | Test             |
| Hello World                              | up             |               up |
| Hello Everyone Here                      | up             |             down |
| Hi there. My name is Eric. How are you?  | up             |         inactive |
| Message                    | Adress         | Test             |
| What's up?                 | up             |               up |
| Hi. I'm Otilia             | up             |             down |
| Hi there. This is Marcus   | up             |         inactive |


| Adress         | Status        | Message                                  |
| up             | Active        | Hello World                              |
| up             | Passive       | Hello Everyone Here                      |
| up             | Down          | Hi there. My name is Eric. How are you?  |
| Adress         | Status        | Message                    |
| up             | Active        | What's up?                 |
| up             | Passive       | Hi. I'm Otilia             |
| up             | Up            | Hi there. This is Marcus   |


| Status        | Status        | Status        |
| Active        | Active        | Active        |
| Passive       | Passive       | Passive       |
| Down          | Down          | Down          |
| Status        | Status        | Status        |
| Active        | Active        | Active        |
| Passive       | Passive       | Passive       |
| Up            | Up            | Up            |



如果GNU awk可用,请尝试markp-fuso的nice解决方案。如果没有,这里有一个posix兼容的替代方案:

# define bash variables
cols=(2 3 6)                            # bash array of desired columns
col_list=$(IFS=,; echo "${cols[*]}")    # create a csv string
awk -v cols="$col_list" '
    if (match($0, /^[|+]/)) {           # the record contains a table
        if (match($0, /^[|+]-/))        # horizontally ruled line
            n = split($0, a, /[|+]/)    # split into columns
        else                            # "cell" line
            n = split($0, a, /|/)
        len = 0
        for (i = 1; i < n; i++) {
            len += length(a[i]) + 1     # accumulated column position
            pos[FNR, i] = len
    n = split(cols, a, /,/)             # split the variable `cols` on comma into an array
    for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
        col = a[i]
        if (pos[FNR, col] && pos[FNR, col+1]) {
            printf("%s", substr($0, pos[FNR, col], pos[FNR, col + 1] - pos[FNR, col]))
    print(substr($0, pos[FNR, col + 1], 1))
' file.txt file.txt

cols=(2 3 6)的结果如上面所示:

| Status        | Adress         | Calibration     |
| Active        | up             |            done |
| Passive       | up             |            none |
| Down          | up             |            done |
| Status        | Adress         | Calibration     |
| Active        | up             |            done |
| Passive       | up             |            none |
| Up            | up             |            done |

