PineScript v2到v4转换,不能转换与自我引用变量



// © OasisTrading
study("Rotation Factor: Buy/Sell Pressure", shorttitle="Rotation Factor")
interval = security(syminfo.tickerid, input("1D", title="Reset Interval"), time)
newSession = iff(change(interval), 1, 0)
one = (high > high[1]) and (low > low[1])
two = (high < high[1]) and (low < low[1])
three = (high > high[1]) and (low < low[1])
four = (high < high[1]) and (low > low[1])
five = (high == high[1]) and (low > low[1])
six = (high > high[1]) and (low == low[1])
seven = (high < high[1]) and (low == low[1])
eight = (high == high[1]) and (low < low[1])
onex = +2 
twox = -2
threex = 0
fourx = 0
fivex = +1
sixx = +1
sevenx = -1 
eightx = -1
formula = (high > high[1]) and (low > low[1]) ? onex : (high < high[1]) and (low < low[1]) ? twox : (high > high[1]) and (low < low[1]) ? threex : (high < high[1]) and (low > low[1]) ? fourx : (high == high[1]) and (low > low[1]) ? fivex : (high > high[1]) and (low == low[1]) ? sixx : (high < high[1]) and (low == low[1]) ? sevenx : (high == high[1]) and (low < low[1]) ? eightx : 0
BuySell = sum(formula, 1)
BSsum : iff(newSession, BuySell, BSsum[1]+BuySell)
Kolor1 = (BSsum > 0)==true
Kolor2 = (BSsum < 0)==true
plot(BSsum, style=plot.style_columns, color=Kolor1?, linewidth=3, transp=0, title="Buy/Sell Pressure")```



// © OasisTrading
study("Rotation Factor: Buy/Sell Pressure", shorttitle="Rotation Factor")
interval = security(syminfo.tickerid, input("1D", title="Reset Interval"), time)
newSession = iff(change(interval), 1, 0)
one = (high > high[1]) and (low > low[1])
two = (high < high[1]) and (low < low[1])
three = (high > high[1]) and (low < low[1])
four = (high < high[1]) and (low > low[1])
five = (high == high[1]) and (low > low[1])
six = (high > high[1]) and (low == low[1])
seven = (high < high[1]) and (low == low[1])
eight = (high == high[1]) and (low < low[1])
onex = +2 
twox = -2
threex = 0
fourx = 0
fivex = +1
sixx = +1
sevenx = -1 
eightx = -1
formula = (high > high[1]) and (low > low[1]) ? onex : (high < high[1]) and (low < low[1]) ? twox : (high > high[1]) and (low < low[1]) ? threex : (high < high[1]) and (low > low[1]) ? fourx : (high == high[1]) and (low > low[1]) ? fivex : (high > high[1]) and (low == low[1]) ? sixx : (high < high[1]) and (low == low[1]) ? sevenx : (high == high[1]) and (low < low[1]) ? eightx : 0
BuySell = sum(formula, 1)
BSsum = 0.0
BSsum := newSession ? BuySell : BSsum[1] + BuySell
Kolor1 = (BSsum > 0)==true
Kolor2 = (BSsum < 0)==true
plot(BSsum, style=plot.style_columns, color=Kolor1?, linewidth=3, transp=0, title="Buy/Sell Pressure")
