

when (val value = node.getConcentration(molecule)) { // it's a Java method returning an unbounded generic T
is Number -> value.toDouble()
is String -> value.toDouble()
is Time -> value.toDouble()
null -> 0.0 // null has been ruled out, now Kotlin should smart-cast
else -> throw IllegalStateException(
"Expected a numeric value in $molecule at node ${node.id}, " +
"but $value of type ${value::class.simpleName} was found"  // THIS IS THE RELEVANT LINE

我希望这个工作,但我得到一个错误的类型查找:Expression in a class literal has a nullable type 'T', use !! to make the type non-nullable。在我看来,Kotlin不明白,既然null的情况已被排除,运行时类型必须是Any的子类。


when (val value = node.getConcentration(molecule)) {
is Number -> value.toDouble()
is String -> value.toDouble()
is Time -> value.toDouble()
null -> 0.0 // null has been ruled out, now Kotlin should smart-cast
else -> throw IllegalStateException(
"Expected a numeric value in $molecule at node ${node.id}, " +
"but $value of type ${value!!::class.simpleName} was found" // THIS IS THE RELEVANT LINE

这个编译,但除了丑陋,这一个提出(正确的,IMHO)一个警告:Unnecessary non-null assertion (!!) on a non-null receiver of type T——但这意味着智能铸造工作如预期!


when (val value = node.getConcentration(molecule)) { 
is Number -> value.toDouble()
is String -> value.toDouble()
is Time -> value.toDouble()
null -> 0.0
else -> throw IllegalStateException(
"Expected a numeric value in $molecule at node ${node.id}, " +
"but $value of type ${value.let { it::class.simpleName }} was found"




val value = node.getConcentration(molecule)?.let { value ->
when (value) {
is Number,
is String,
is Time -> value.toDouble()
else -> throw IllegalStateException(
"Expected a numeric value in $molecule at node ${node.id}, " +
"but $value of type ${value} was found"
} ?: 0.0


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