
我试图将文件从旧的文件结构复制过来,其中数据存储在名称不正确的文件夹中,以新的(更好的)结构,但是由于我需要复制671个参与者,我想使用regex来简化它(每个参与者都以相同的格式保存文件)。然而,我一直得到一个cp: cannot stat错误消息,说没有文件/目录存在。我以为这意味着我漏掉了一个/或""在错误的位置,但我在代码中看不到任何提示。


# This code below copies the initial .nii file.
# These data are copied into my Trial Participant folders.
# Create a variable called parent_folder1 that describes initial mask directory e.g. folders for each participant which contains the files.
# The original folders are named according to ClinicalID_scandate_randomdigits e.g. folder 1234567890_20000101_987654.
# The destination folders are named according to TrialIDNumber e.g. LBC100001.
# The .nii files are saved under TrialIDNumber_1_ICV.nii.gz e.g. LBC1000001_1_ICV.nii.gz.
# These files need copied over from their directories into the Trial Participant folders, using the for loop function.
# The * symbol is used as a wildcard.
for i in $(ls -1d "${parent_folder1}"/*_20*); do
lbc=$(ls ${i}/finalMasks/*ICV* | sed 's/^.*///'); lbc=${lbc:0:9}
cp "${parent_folder1}/${i}"/finalMasks/*_1_ICV.nii.gz /this/path/is/the/destination/path/${lbc}/
# This code uses regular expression to find the initial ICV file.
# ls asks for a list, -1 makes each new folder on a new line, d is for directory.
# *_20* refers to the name of the folders. The * covers the ClinicalID, _20* refers to the scan date and random digits.
# I have no idea what the | sed 's/^.*///' does, but I think it strips the path.
# lbc=${lbc:0:9} is used to keep the ID numbers. 
# cp copies the files that are named under TrialIDNumber(replaced by *)_1_ICV.nii.gz to the destination under the respective folder.


# Create a variable called parent_folder1 that describes initial mask directory.
# Iterate over directories in parent_folder1
for i in $(ls -1d "${parent_folder1}"/*_20*); do
# Extract the base name of the file in the finalMasks directory
lbc=$(basename $(ls "${i}"/finalMasks/*ICV*))
# Extract the LBC number from the file name
# Copy the file to the specific folder
cp "${i}"/finalMasks/${lbc}_1_ICV.nii.gz /destination/path/here/${lbc}/
