
Console.WriteLine("The story begins with. . . Oh yes, what is your name?");
string name = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine("Awesome! " + name + " it is then");
Console.WriteLine("This story takes place in 2077. A few years after nuclear annihilation n " +           "comes to the human race. Now we have to get you prepared for your survival n" +
"in this new wasteland until your doom is inevitably upon you. n" +
"By the way what was your profession " + name + " before the wasteland?");



void Main()
var choice = ProfessionChoice();


public int ProfessionChoice()
Console.WriteLine("Please pick from the list:nn");

foreach(var profession in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Profession)))
Console.WriteLine($"{(int)profession} - {profession}");
Console.Write("nnEnter Choice > ");
var result = Console.ReadLine();

var choice = 0;
Int32.TryParse(result, out choice);

Console.WriteLine($"nnYou picked {(Profession)choice}");

return choice;


public enum Profession
PoliceOfficer = 1,
FireFighter = 2,
Survivalist = 3
