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//  Created by Stevoo 10/17/2022
//  From: https://github.com/mac-cain13/R.swift.Library
//  License: MIT License
import Foundation
import UIKit
public extension NibResourceType {
Instantiate the nib to get the top-level objects from this nib
- parameter ownerOrNil: The owner, if the owner parameter is nil, connections to File's Owner are not permitted.
- parameter options: Options are identical to the options specified with -[NSBundle loadNibNamed:owner:options:]
- returns: An array containing the top-level objects from the NIB
public func instantiate(withOwner ownerOrNil: Any?, options optionsOrNil: [AnyHashable : Any]? = [:]) -> [Any] {
return UINib(resource: self).instantiate(withOwner: ownerOrNil, options: optionsOrNil)

您正在尝试调用UINib.instantiate(withOwner:options:)。options参数的类型必须为[UINib.OptionsKey : Any]

您可以将函数的optionsOrNil参数更改为[UINib.OptionsKey : Any]?而不是[AnyHashable : Any]?类型,也可以尝试使用as?:将其强制转换为该类型

public func instantiate(withOwner ownerOrNil: Any?, options optionsOrNil: [UINib.OptionsKey : Any]? = [:]) -> [Any] {
return UINib(resource: self).instantiate(withOwner: ownerOrNil, options: optionsOrNil)

public func instantiate(withOwner ownerOrNil: Any?, options optionsOrNil: [AnyHashable : Any]? = [:]) -> [Any] {
let castOptions = optionsOrNil as? [UINib.OptionsKey : Any]
return UINib(resource: self).instantiate(withOwner: ownerOrNil, options: castOptions)

