#This script, in theory, should search an entire linux instance for files with extensions
#.p12, .jks, .pfx, .pem, .ppk. Any found files will be saved to a text doc. For each file in said
#doc, we will attempt to open the file with a list of generic passwds. If there are any
#successes, we will save that file and the passwd to a different flag doc to be addressed.
#This should search a named directory for the file extensions and save to output file
find / -name *.p12 -o -name *.jks > keytoolFile.txt
#As a test, iterate over the output file and name them
keyFile=$(cat keytoolFile.txt)
for line in $keyFile; do
echo -e "$linen"
keytool -list -keystore $line
#This next bit should go through the next set of file extensions and test them
find / -name *.pfx -o -name *.pem -o -name *.ppk > sshFile.txt
textFile=$(cat sshFile.txt)
for line in $textFile; do
echo -e "$linen"
ssh-keygen -y -f $line
#This script, in theory, should search an entire linux instance for files with extensions
#.p12, .jks, .pfx, .pem, .ppk. Any found files will be saved to a text doc. For each file in said
#doc, we will attempt to open the file with a list of generic passwds. If there are any
#successes, we will save that file and the passwd to a different flag doc to be addressed.
#This should search a named directory for the file extensions and save to output file
find / -name *.p12 -o -name *.jks > keytoolFile.txt
#As a test, iterate over the output file and name them
keyFile=$(cat keytoolFile.txt)
passFile=$(cat pass.txt)
for i in $keyFile; do
for j in $passFile; do
echo -e "Attempting $j on $i"
keytool -list -keystore $line -storepass $j
#This next bit should go through the next set of file extensions and test them
find / -name *.pfx -o -name *.pem -o -name *.ppk > sshFile.txt
hostFile=$(cat sshFile.txt)
passFile=$(cat pass.txt)
for i in $hostFile; do
for j in $passFile; do
echo -e "Attempting $j on $i"
ssh-keygen -f -y $i -P $j
Attempting 1qaz)OKM2wsx(IJN on <path/to/file/file.p12
Illegal option: 1qaz!QAZ2wsx@WSX
find "$HOME" ( -name '*.p12 '-o -name '*.jks' -o -name '*.pfx'
-o -name '*.pem' -o -name '*.ppk' ) -exec /path/to/validate {} ;