
  • 本文关键字:消失 字典 Python python
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{'systemdescription': [<function system_description_handler at 0x7f70a57ee0>]}
Length: 1


Length: 0
class NetMessageHandler():
def __init__(self):
# Create an empty dictionary to store 
self._callbacks = {}
def _run_callbacks(self, type: str, data: dict[str, Any], origin: NetMessageOrigin):
'''Runs when a message is received'''
print(f'{self.__class__.__name__}: Running callbacks for {type}')
print(self._callbacks)  # Added as a test, it returns an empty dictionary: '{}'

# This part never runs as the dictionary is empty
if type in self._callbacks:
for c in self._callbacks[type]:
c(type, data, origin)

def rcvtcpmsg(self, msg: str, origin: 'TCPClient') -> None:
'''Receive a TCP message and parse it to valid JSON, then run callbacks.'''
data = self._parseMessage(msg)
# Create an origin that represents the message sender
origin = NetMessageOrigin(NetMessageOriginType.TCP, origin)
# Run callbacks for the specific message type
if "t" in data:
self._run_callbacks(data["t"], data, origin)
def onmessage(self, type:str, callback:Callable[[str, dict[str, Any], NetMessageOrigin], Any]):
'''Adds a new callback for a specific message type.'''
# Check if a callback for this message already exists
if type not in self._callbacks:
print(f'{self.__class__.__name__}: New callback array created for "{type}"')
self._callbacks[type] = []
if callback not in self._callbacks[type]:
print(f'{self.__class__.__name__}: Callback added for message type "{type}"')
print(f'{self.__class__.__name__}: Callback already existed for message type "{type}"')

# The prints below output the expected value: {'systemdescription': [<function system_description_handler at 0x7f70a57ee0>]}
print("Length:", len(self._callbacks))


如果所提供的代码没有引起明显的原因,则很可能是调用/使用该类的代码存在问题。最可能的原因是调用代码实例化了这个类的多个实例,每个实例都有自己的self._callbacks字典,所以添加到一个实例不会影响另一个实例。考虑到该类的编写方式,避免这种情况的最简单方法(尽管我不推荐,除非用于调试目的)是删除def __init__。通过将_callbacks设置为类属性(而不是实例属性),所有的instancemethod都将简单地更新一个字典(类的),而不是它们自己的字典:

class NetMessageHandler():
_callbacks = {}
def _run_callbacks(..


class NetMessageHandler():
_callbacks = {}
def _run_callbacks(cls, type: str, data: dict[str, Any], origin: NetMessageOrigin):
'''Runs when a message is received'''
print(f'{cls.__name__}: Running callbacks for {type}')
print(cls._callbacks)  # Added as a test, it returns an empty dictionary: '{}'
# This part never runs as the dictionary is empty
if type in cls._callbacks:
for c in cls._callbacks[type]:
c(type, data, origin)
def rcvtcpmsg(cls, msg: str, origin: 'TCPClient') -> None:
'''Receive a TCP message and parse it to valid JSON, then run callbacks.'''
data = cls._parseMessage(msg)
# Create an origin that represents the message sender
origin = NetMessageOrigin(NetMessageOriginType.TCP, origin)
# Run callbacks for the specific message type
if "t" in data:
cls._run_callbacks(data["t"], data, origin)
def onmessage(cls, type:str, callback:Callable[[str, dict[str, Any], NetMessageOrigin], Any]):
'''Adds a new callback for a specific message type.'''
# Check if a callback for this message already exists
if type not in cls._callbacks:
print(f'{cls.__name__}: New callback array created for "{type}"')
cls._callbacks[type] = []
if callback not in cls._callbacks[type]:
print(f'{cls.__name__}: Callback added for message type "{type}"')
print(f'{cls.__name__}: Callback already existed for message type "{type}"')
# The prints below output the expected value: {'systemdescription': [<function system_description_handler at 0x7f70a57ee0>]}
print("Length:", len(cls._callbacks))

