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listItem.addEventListener("click", e => {
window.location.href = e.target.querySelector("a2").href

// Functions for getting a 'blur' event on an element
const _ElementBlur = (el, f = false) => {
const ac = new AbortController()
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a3 {
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a2 {
color: black;
text-decoration: none;/* Change this to the desired color */
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cursor: pointer;
.dropdown-container-var:hover { /* create a positioning context for the list items */
background-color: #525252;
transition: background-color 0.2s;

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position: relative; /* position the list items absolutely */
display: none; /* hide the list by default */
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background-color: #04AA6D;
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to green when they are hovered over */
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text-align: center;
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p2 {
margin: 0;
.dropdown-list-var {
margin: 0; /* <-- add this to the existing CSS code*/
/* the rest */
optgroup {
font-weight: bold;
color: black;
width: 520px;
cursor: default; 
<div class="dropdown-container-var">
<p2><a3 href="#" >Surface and Precipitation</a3></p2>
<ul class="dropdown-list-var">
<ul class = "optgroup">
<optgroup label="Surface">
<li><a2 href="dummylink.html">2m Temperature</a2></li>
<li><a2 href="#">2m Dewpoint</a2></li>
<li><a2 href="#">Mean Sea Level Pressure</a2></li>
<li><a2 href="#">10m Wind</a2></li>
<ul class = "optgroup">
<optgroup label="Precipitation">
<li><a2 vale="" href="#">6-hr Precipitation Type/Rate</a2></li>
<li><a2 href="#">Categorical Precipitation Type</a2></li>
<li><a2 href="#">6-hr Precipitation</a2></li>
<li><a2 href="#">24-hr Precipitation</a2></li>
<li><a2 href="#">Total Precipitation</a2></li>
<ul class = "optgroup">
<optgroup label="Winter">
<li><a2 href="#">Total Snowfall</a2></li>
<div class="dropdown-container-var">
<p2><a3 href="#" >Upper-Air: Dynamics</a3></p2>
<ul class="dropdown-list-var">
<ul class = "optgroup">
<optgroup label="Vorticity">
<li><a2 href="#">500 hPa Height,Wind,Vorticity</a2></li>
<li><a2 href="#">700 hPa Height,Wind,Vorticity</a2></li>
<li><a2 href="#">850 hPa Height,Wind,Vorticity</a2></li>
<ul class = "optgroup">
<optgroup label="Lift">
<li><a2 href="#">700 hPa Frontogenesis/Temperature Advection</a2></li>
<li><a2 href="#">700 hPa Omega</a2></li>
<li><a2 href="#">850 hPa Frontogenesis/Temperature Advection</a2></li>
<li><a2 href="#">850 hPa Omegan</a2></li>
<div class="dropdown-container-var">
<p2><a3 href="#" >Upper-Air: Temperature,Wind</a3></p2>
<ul class="dropdown-list-var">
<ul class = "optgroup">
<optgroup label="Temperature">
<li><a2 href="#">700 hPa Temperature, Height, Wind</a2></li>
<li><a2 href="#">850 hPa Temperature, Height, Wind</a2></li>
<li><a2 href="#">925 hPa Temperature, Height, Wind</a2></li>
<ul class = "optgroup">
<optgroup label="Wind">
<li><a2 href="#">250 hPa Height, Wind</a2></li>
<li><a2 href="#">850 hPa Height, Wind</a2></li>
<ul class = "optgroup">
<optgroup label="Anomaly">
<li><a2 href="#">500 hPa Height Anomaly</a2></li>


window.location.href = e.target.attributes.href.value;


请使用此javascript代码。试着使用e.a rtarget . getattribute ("href")

document.querySelectorAll(".dropdown-container-var ul li").forEach(d => {
d.addEventListener("click", e => {
const dropdown = e.target.closest(".dropdown-container-var ").querySelector("ul")
if(dropdown) {
dropdown.style.display = "block"
_ElementBlur(e.target, () => {
dropdown.style.display = "none"
document.querySelectorAll(".dropdown-container-var").forEach(d => {
d.addEventListener("click", e => {
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if(dropdown) {
dropdown.style.display = "block"
_ElementBlur(e.target, () => {
dropdown.style.display = "none"
document.querySelectorAll(".dropdown-container-var ul li").forEach(listItem => {
listItem.addEventListener("click", e => {
var url = e.target.getAttribute("href")
window.open(url, '_blank');

// Functions for getting a 'blur' event on an element
const _ElementBlur = (el, f = false) => {
const ac = new AbortController()
document.body.addEventListener("click", _CheckBlur(el, f, ac), { signal: ac.signal })
const _CheckBlur = (el, f = false, ac) => {
return e => {
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a3 {
color: white;
text-decoration: none;/* Change this to the desired color */
transition: background-color 0.2s;
a2 {
color: black;
text-decoration: none;/* Change this to the desired color */
transition: background-color 0.2s;
.dropdown-container-var {
position: relative; /* create a positioning context for the list items */
background-color: #333;
color: white;
text-decoration: none;
width: 600px;
text-align: center;
transition: background-color 0.2s;
cursor: pointer;
.dropdown-container-var:hover { /* create a positioning context for the list items */
background-color: #525252;
transition: background-color 0.2s;

.dropdown-list-var {
position: relative; /* position the list items absolutely */
display: none; /* hide the list by default */
list-style-type: none; /* remove the bullet points for the list items */
padding: 0; /* remove the padding for the list */
left: 0; /* position the list items at the left edge of the list */
transition: border 0.2s; /* add a transition effect for the border */
background-color: #b0b0b0;
color: black;
text-decoration: none;
width: 600px;
text-align: center;
transition: background-color 0.2s;
cursor: pointer;
.dropdown-list-var li:hover {
background-color: #04AA6D;
transition: background-color 0.2s;}/* change the background color of the list items 
to green when they are hovered over */
.dropdown-list-var li {
color: black; /* set the color of the list items to black */
text-align: center;
transition: background-color 0.2s;
p2 {
margin: 0;
.dropdown-list-var {
margin: 0; /* <-- add this to the existing CSS code*/
/* the rest */
optgroup {
font-weight: bold;
color: black;
width: 520px;
cursor: default; 
<div class="dropdown-container-var">
<p2><a3 href="#" >Surface and Precipitation</a3></p2>
<ul class="dropdown-list-var">
<ul class = "optgroup">
<optgroup label="Surface">
<li><a2 href="https://dummylink.html">2m Temperature</a2></li>
<li><a2 href="#">2m Dewpoint</a2></li>
<li><a2 href="#">Mean Sea Level Pressure</a2></li>
<li><a2 href="#">10m Wind</a2></li>
<ul class = "optgroup">
<optgroup label="Precipitation">
<li><a2 vale="" href="#">6-hr Precipitation Type/Rate</a2></li>
<li><a2 href="#">Categorical Precipitation Type</a2></li>
<li><a2 href="#">6-hr Precipitation</a2></li>
<li><a2 href="#">24-hr Precipitation</a2></li>
<li><a2 href="#">Total Precipitation</a2></li>
<ul class = "optgroup">
<optgroup label="Winter">
<li><a2 href="#">Total Snowfall</a2></li>
<div class="dropdown-container-var">
<p2><a3 href="#" >Upper-Air: Dynamics</a3></p2>
<ul class="dropdown-list-var">
<ul class = "optgroup">
<optgroup label="Vorticity">
<li><a2 href="#">500 hPa Height,Wind,Vorticity</a2></li>
<li><a2 href="#">700 hPa Height,Wind,Vorticity</a2></li>
<li><a2 href="#">850 hPa Height,Wind,Vorticity</a2></li>
<ul class = "optgroup">
<optgroup label="Lift">
<li><a2 href="#">700 hPa Frontogenesis/Temperature Advection</a2></li>
<li><a2 href="#">700 hPa Omega</a2></li>
<li><a2 href="#">850 hPa Frontogenesis/Temperature Advection</a2></li>
<li><a2 href="#">850 hPa Omegan</a2></li>
<div class="dropdown-container-var">
<p2><a3 href="#" >Upper-Air: Temperature,Wind</a3></p2>
<ul class="dropdown-list-var">
<ul class = "optgroup">
<optgroup label="Temperature">
<li><a2 href="#">700 hPa Temperature, Height, Wind</a2></li>
<li><a2 href="#">850 hPa Temperature, Height, Wind</a2></li>
<li><a2 href="#">925 hPa Temperature, Height, Wind</a2></li>
<ul class = "optgroup">
<optgroup label="Wind">
<li><a2 href="#">250 hPa Height, Wind</a2></li>
<li><a2 href="#">850 hPa Height, Wind</a2></li>
<ul class = "optgroup">
<optgroup label="Anomaly">
<li><a2 href="#">500 hPa Height Anomaly</a2></li>


window.location.href = e.target.querySelector("a2").href;



window.location.href = e.target.querySelector("a2").href


window.location.href = e.target.querySelector("a2").getAttribute("href")
