

type A = () => void;
type B = (id: number) => void;
type C = (id: number, title: string) => void;
type D = A | B | C;
interface Funcs {
[key: string]: (fn) => D


addPerson: (fn) => () => return fn(add());
deletePerson: (fn) => (id) => return fn(delete(id));
updatePerson: (fn) => (id, title) => return fn(update(id, title));


如果你使用Funcs, TypeScript不能推断出这些返回类型。但是你可能不需要Funcs


type A = () => void;
type B = (id: number) => void;
type C = (id: number, title: string) => void;
type D = A | B | C;
type FnParamType = unknown;
type Fn = (param: FnParamType) => void;
declare const addSomething: () => FnParamType;
declare const deleteSomething: (id: number) => FnParamType;
declare const updateSomething: (id: number, title: string) => FnParamType;
interface Funcs {
[key: string]: (fn: Fn) => D;
const fns: Funcs = {
addPerson: (fn) => () => { fn(addSomething()); },
deletePerson: (fn) => (id: number) => { fn(deleteSomething(id)); },
updatePerson: (fn) => (id: number, title: string) => { fn(updateSomething(id, title)); },


对于TypeScript来说,没有什么可以用来区分这些函数返回什么,所有的函数都接受fn(你没有键入,但我猜它们都是相同的类型)。TypeScript根本不能推断其中一个将返回() => void而另一个返回(id: number) => void,等等。

但是如果你不使用Funcs, TypeScript会正确地输入addPerson等:

const fns = {
addPerson: (fn: Fn) => () => { fn(addSomething()); },
deletePerson: (fn: Fn) => (id: number) => { fn(deleteSomething(id)); },
updatePerson: (fn: Fn) => (id: number, title: string) => { fn(updateSomething(id, title)); },
// These all work fine and have appropriate parameter hints:
fns.addPerson((param: FnParamType) => {})();
fns.deletePerson((param: FnParamType) => {})(42);
fns.updatePerson((param: FnParamType) => {})(42, "answer");



  1. 假设类型正确,编辑对象
type A = () => void;
type B = (id: number) => void;
type C = (id: number, title: string) => void;
type D = A | B | C;
interface Funcs {
[key: string]: () => D
const Q: Funcs = {
addPerson: () => () => {},
deletePerson: () => (id) => {},
updatePerson: () => (id, title) => {},
Q.updatePerson()(1, 'title') // example call
  1. 假设对象正确,编辑类型
type A = () => () => void;
type B = (id: number) => () => void;
type C = (id: number, title: string) => () => void;
type D = A | B | C;
interface Funcs {
[key: string]: D
const Q: Funcs = {
addPerson: () => () => {},
deletePerson: (id) => () => {},
updatePerson: (id, title) => () => {},
Q.updatePerson(1, 'title')() // example call
  1. 最简单的一个,以防万一你实际上不想要函数中的函数,因为它似乎不需要它。
type A = () => void;
type B = (id: number) => void;
type C = (id: number, title: string) => void;
type D = A | B | C;
interface Funcs {
[key: string]: D
const Q: Funcs = {
addPerson: () => {},
deletePerson: (id) => {},
updatePerson: (id, title) => {},
Q.updatePerson(1, 'title') // example call

注意,我使用了空体函数({})而不是您的函数代码。很难说为什么你在这里做return delete(id);而不是delete(id),但它似乎是一个简化的例子。


() => D


type A = () => void;
type B = (id: number) => void;
type C = (id: number, title: string) => void;
type D = A | B | C;



addPerson: () => () => return add();
deletePerson: (id) => () => return delete(id);
updatePerson: (id, title) => () => return update(id, title


type X = () => D;
type Y = (id: number) => D;
type Z = (id: number, title: string) => D;
type T = X | Y | Z;

interface Funcs {
[key: string]: T

