

test('When user logs in', async ({page}) => {
const commonAction = new CommonAction();
await commonAction.gotoPage(page);
await expect(page).toHaveURL('https://uat.mercator.createit.dev/login');
await commonAction.login( page, janEmail, janPasswd );
test('Then user is in my account page', async ({page}) => {
const navigationAction = new NavigationAction();
await navigationAction.verifyAccountPage(page);  

test('When user goes to newsletter subscriptions', async ({page}) => {
const navigationAction = new NavigationAction();
await navigationAction.goToNewsSubscription(page);  
test('Then user is in Newsletter subscription page', async ({page}) => {
const navigationAction = new NavigationAction();
await navigationAction.verifyNewsletterPage(page);  
test('When user updates subscription', async ({page}) => {
const newsletterAction = new NewsletterAction();
test('Then user is redirected to My Account page after subscription updates', async ({page}) => {
const navigationAction = new NavigationAction();
await navigationAction.verifyAccountPage();



const { test } = require('@playwright/test');
test.describe.serial('use the same page', () => {
/** @type {import('@playwright/test').Page} */
let page;
test.beforeAll(async ({ browser }) => {
page = await browser.newPage();
test.afterAll(async () => {
await page.close();
test('When user logs in', async ({}) => {
const commonAction = new CommonAction();
await commonAction.gotoPage(page);
await expect(page).toHaveURL('https://uat.mercator.createit.dev/login');
await commonAction.login( page, janEmail, janPasswd );
test('Then user is in my account page', async ({}) => {
const navigationAction = new NavigationAction();
await navigationAction.verifyAccountPage(page);  

test('When user goes to newsletter subscriptions', async ({}) => {
const navigationAction = new NavigationAction();
await navigationAction.goToNewsSubscription(page);  
test('Then user is in Newsletter subscription page', async ({}) => {
const navigationAction = new NavigationAction();
await navigationAction.verifyNewsletterPage(page);  
test('When user updates subscription', async ({}) => {
const newsletterAction = new NewsletterAction();
test('Then user is redirected to My Account page after subscription updates', async ({}) => {
const navigationAction = new NavigationAction();
await navigationAction.verifyAccountPage();
