计算 numpy 数组和csr_matrix之间的成对最小值的最有效方法

我有一个形状为(1, 1000)的 numpy 数组V。我还有一个形状为(100000, 1000)的csr_matrixM.对于M中的每一行m,我想计算Vm之间的成对最小值,并将所有结果存储在一个新矩阵中,我想有效地做到这一点。最终结果也应该是一个形状为(100000, 1000)的矩阵。


  • 使用 for 循环遍历每一行M。这有效,但速度很慢。
  • M转换为矩阵:numpy.minimum(V, M.toarray())这需要大量内存。
  • numpy.minimum(V, M)不起作用。我收到一个错误,上面写着:Comparing a sparse matrix with a scalar less than zero using >= is inefficient



import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
def rowmin(M, v):
# M must be a csr_matrix, and v must be a 1-d numpy array with
# length M.shape[1].  The values in v must be nonnegative.
if np.any(v < 0):
raise ValueError('v must not contain negative values.')
# B is a CSR matrix with the same sparsity pattern as M, but its
# data values are from v:
B = csr_matrix((v[M.indices], M.indices, M.indptr))
return M.minimum(B)


def rowmin(M, v):
# M must be a csr_matrix, and v must be a 1-d numpy array with
# length M.shape[1].
# B is a CSR matrix with the same sparsity pattern as M, but its
# data values are from v:
B = csr_matrix((v[M.indices], M.indices, M.indptr))
# If there are negative values in v, include them in B.
negmask = v < 0
if np.any(negmask):
negindices = negmask.nonzero()[0]
B[:, negindices] = v[negindices]
return M.minimum(B)
