

type Fields = {
countryCode: string;
currency: string;
otherFields: string;


// Type: readonly ["countryCode", "currency", "otherFields"]
const allowedFields = ["countryCode", "currency", "otherFields"] as const;


// How to create 'SomeType'?
const allowedFields: SomeType = ["countryCode"] as const; // Should throw error because there are missing fields
const allowedFields: SomeType = ["extraField"] as const; // Should throw error because "extraField" is not in the object type 'Fields'
type Fields = {
countryCode: string;
currency: string;
otherFields: string;
// credits goes to https://twitter.com/WrocTypeScript/status/1306296710407352321
type TupleUnion<U extends string, R extends any[] = []> = {
[S in U]: Exclude<U, S> extends never ? [...R, S] : TupleUnion<Exclude<U, S>, [...R, S]>;

type AllowedFields = TupleUnion<keyof Fields>;

const allowedFields: AllowedFields = ["countryCode", "currency", "otherFields"];

// How to create 'SomeType'?
const foo: AllowedFields  = ["countryCode"]; // Should throw error because there are missing fields
const bar: AllowedFields  = ["extraField"]; // Should throw error because "extraField" is not in the object type 'Fields'




type TupleUnion<U extends string, R extends any[] = []> = {
[S in U]: [...R, S]
type AllowedFields = TupleUnion<keyof Fields>;
type AllowedFields = {
countryCode: ["countryCode"];
currency: ["currency"];
otherFields: ["otherFields"];


type AllowedFields = {
countryCode: ["countryCode", 'currency', 'otherFields'];
currency: ["currency", 'countryCode', 'otherFields'];
otherFields: ["otherFields", 'countryCode', 'currency'];

type AllowedFields = {
countryCode: ["countryCode", Exclude<Fields, 'countryCode'>];
currency: ["currency", Exclude<Fields, 'currency'>];
otherFields: ["otherFields", Exclude<Fields, 'otherFields'>];

要实现,我们需要这样做:TupleUnion<Exclude<U, S>, [...R, S]>;。如果我写:

type TupleUnion<FieldKeys extends string, Result extends any[] = []> = {
[Key in FieldKeys]: TupleUnion<Exclude<FieldKeys, Key>, [...Result, Key]>;


type AllowedFields = TupleUnion<keyof Fields>['countryCode']['currency']['otherFields']

如果Exclude<U, S>,或者换句话说,Exclude<FieldKeys, Key>返回never,则不应该调用TupleUnion递归。我们需要检查Key是否是最后一个属性。为了做到这一点,我们可以检查Exclude<U, S> extends never。如果它是never-没有更多的键,我们可以只返回[...R,S]


type TupleUnion<FieldKeys extends string, Result extends any[] = []> = {
[Key in FieldKeys]: Exclude<FieldKeys, Key> extends never ? [...Result, Key] : TupleUnion<Exclude<FieldKeys, Key>, [...Result, Key]>;
type AllowedFields = TupleUnion<keyof Fields>

更清晰。但是,我们仍然有一个带值的对象,而不是tuple。object中的每个值都是所需类型的元组。为了得到所有值的并集,我们只需要使用所有键的并集的方括号符号。如:type A = {age:1,name:2}['age'|'name'] // 1|2.


type TupleUnion<FieldKeys extends string, Result extends any[] = []> = {
[Key in FieldKeys]: Exclude<FieldKeys, Key> extends never ? [...Result, Key] : TupleUnion<Exclude<FieldKeys, Key>, [...Result, Key]>;
}[FieldKeys] // added suqare bracket notation with union of all keys



const categoryNames = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] as const
export type Keys = typeof categoryNames[number]
export type Categories<Key extends string, Type> = {
[name in Key]: Type
const mapping: Categories<Keys, number> = {
a: 0,
// b: 1, with 'b' commented out there will be an error
c: 2,
d: 3

使用来自https://stackoverflow.com/a/70061272的代码应该避免@captain-yossarian answer(示例)中的Type instantiation is excessively deep and possibly infinite (ts2589):

type Fields = {
countryCode: string;
currency: string;
otherFields: string;
type UnionToParm<U> = U extends any ? (k: U) => void : never;
type UnionToSect<U> = UnionToParm<U> extends (k: infer I) => void ? I : never;
type ExtractParm<F> = F extends { (a: infer A): void } ? A : never;
type SpliceOne<Union> = Exclude<Union, ExtractOne<Union>>;
type ExtractOne<Union> = ExtractParm<UnionToSect<UnionToParm<Union>>>;
type ToTuple<Union> = ToTupleRec<Union, []>;
type ToTupleRec<Union, Rslt extends any[]> = SpliceOne<Union> extends never
? [ExtractOne<Union>, ...Rslt]
: ToTupleRec<SpliceOne<Union>, [ExtractOne<Union>, ...Rslt]>;
type AllowedFields = ToTuple<keyof Fields>;

const allowedFields: AllowedFields = ["countryCode", "currency", "otherFields"];

// How to create 'SomeType'?
const foo: AllowedFields  = ["countryCode"]; // Should throw error because there are missing fields
const bar: AllowedFields  = ["extraField"]; // Should throw error because "extraField" is not in the object type 'Fields'

