

如果你有偏好,不要依赖git的重复数据删除。使用git mv x.txt z.txt显式重命名您想要的,并使用git rm y.txt删除另一个。注意:这假定您希望保留x.txt的历史记录。如果您想保留y.txt的历史记录,请在上述命令中交换x.txty.txt


git checkout -b rename-branch
git mv a.txt b.txt
git commit -m "Renaming file"
# if you did a git blame of b.txt, it would _follow_ a.txt history, right?
git checkout main
git merge --no-ff --no-commit rename-branch
git checkout HEAD -- a.txt # get the file back
git commit -m "Not really renaming file"


$ git log --graph --oneline --name-status
* 70f03aa (HEAD -> master) COpying file straight
| A     new_file.txt
* efc04f3 (first) First commit for file
A     hello_world.txt
$ git blame -s new_file.txt
70f03aab 1) I am here
70f03aab 2) 
70f03aab 3) Yes I am
$ git blame -s hello_world.txt
^efc04f3 1) I am here
^efc04f3 2) 
^efc04f3 3) Yes I am


$ git log --oneline --graph master2 --name-status
*   30b76ab (HEAD, master2) Not really renaming
| * 652921f Renaming file
|   R100        hello_world.txt new_file.txt
* efc04f3 (first) First commit for file
A     hello_world.txt
$ git blame -s new_file.txt
^efc04f3 hello_world.txt 1) I am here
^efc04f3 hello_world.txt 2) 
^efc04f3 hello_world.txt 3) Yes I am
$ git blame -s hello_world.txt
^efc04f3 1) I am here
^efc04f3 2) 
^efc04f3 3) Yes I am
