包含 k 个不同字符的最长子字符串

我正在努力获取具有 k 个不同字符的最长子字符串。


输入 : abcbdbdbbdcdabd.

For k = 2, o/p is ‘bdbdbbd’
For k = 3, o/p is ‘bcbdbdbbdcd’
For k = 5, o/p is ‘abcbdbdbbdcdabd’


// Define the character range
public static final int CHAR_RANGE = 128;
// Function to find the longest substring of a given string containing
// `k` distinct characters using a sliding window
public static String findLongestSubstring(String str, int k)
// base case
if (str == null || str.length() == 0) {
return str;
// stores the longest substring boundaries
int end = 0, begin = 0;
// set to store distinct characters in a window
Set<Character> window = new HashSet<>();
// Count array `freq` stores the frequency of characters present in the
// current window. We can also use a map instead of a count array.
int[] freq = new int[CHAR_RANGE];
// `[low…high]` maintains the sliding window boundaries
for (int low = 0, high = 0; high < str.length(); high++)
// if the window size is more than `k`, remove characters from the left
while (window.size() > k)
// If the leftmost character's frequency becomes 0 after
// removing it in the window, remove it from the set as well
if (--freq[str.charAt(low)] == 0) {
low++;        // reduce window size
// update the maximum window size if necessary
if (window.size() ==k && end - begin < high - low)
end = high;
begin = low;
// return the longest substring found at `str[begin…end]`
return str.substring(begin, end + 1);
public static void main(String[] args)
String str = "abcbdbdbbdcdabd";
int k = 2;
System.out.print(findLongestSubstring(str, k));

现在我的问题是,在上面的代码中,我们有一个while循环,while (window.size() > k),我看到我们可以只用像if(window.size() > k)这样的if条件替换。我不确定我在这里从 while 更改为 if 是否正确。根据代码,我们将在 for 循环中向窗口添加一个 chaarcter,并立即检查窗口是否超过 k,因此一个简单的 if 条件应该有效。有什么理由在这里使用 while 循环吗?





