我有一个1920 × 1080的数组canvas
,每个元素作为一个像素,默认值RGB(0, 0, 0)
- 使用每个"像素"的索引以获得相机帧上的相应位置
- 将从相机中心到该位置的光线存储为三维矢量
- 查找光线与 相交的最近的物体
- 设置该像素的值以匹配该对象的颜色(这再次需要该像素的索引)
world = World(RGB(0, 0, 0), 5e-6, objects, lights, 0.2, 4)
camera = Camera((0, -5000, -5000), 1000, (0, 0, 0), 1920, 1080)
canvas = CUDA.fill(world.background, camera.height, camera.width)
for i in 1:camera.width
for j in 1:camera.height
ray = [([i, j] - [camera.width / 2, camera.height / 2])..., camera.depth]
(ray[2], ray[3]) = (cos(camera.rotation[1] + atan(ray[3], ray[2])), sin(camera.rotation[1] + atan(ray[3], ray[2]))) .* sqrt(ray[2]^2 + ray[3]^2)
(ray[1], ray[3]) = (cos(camera.rotation[2] + atan(ray[3], ray[1])), sin(camera.rotation[2] + atan(ray[3], ray[1]))) .* sqrt(ray[1]^2 + ray[3]^2)
(ray[1], ray[2]) = (cos(camera.rotation[3] + atan(ray[2], ray[1])), sin(camera.rotation[3] + atan(ray[2], ray[1]))) .* sqrt(ray[2]^2 + ray[1]^2)
v = (Inf, nothing, nothing)
for object in world.objects
# traceray returns a tuple containing the distance of the point of intersection, and the normal to the surface at that point if the ray intersects the object, or nothing otherwise
t = traceray(ray, camera.position, object, mindistance=camera.depth)
t !== nothing && t[1] < v[1] && (v = (t[1], t[2], object))
# computecolor gets the color of the object based on lighting etc.
v[1] != Inf && (canvas[j, i] = computecolor(v[3].material, ray, v[1], v[2], world, camera.position .+ v[1] * ray, v[3]))
根据我的理解,广播函数可以根据元素的值(在本例中为RGB(0, 0, 0)
julia> M = rand(10, 10)
10×10 Matrix{Float64}:
0.343127 0.0461174 0.000208743 0.739489 0.0881014 … 0.744987 0.150881 0.769042 0.951578
0.415609 0.919787 0.917708 0.31243 0.659583 0.579605 0.428906 0.880912 0.0689765
0.887541 0.308289 0.306524 0.10873 0.0731005 0.0678841 0.560323 0.684129 0.601884
0.614483 0.817356 0.196868 0.863195 0.364332 0.0697723 0.599979 0.709638 0.598244
0.856793 0.37702 0.357844 0.65256 0.254954 0.0564696 0.49687 0.704261 0.488966
0.233914 0.0196481 0.201217 0.560289 0.327611 … 0.957368 0.41253 0.0796238 0.774057
0.905422 0.227343 0.048688 0.374488 0.145598 0.0120923 0.959117 0.83804 0.413381
0.518771 0.298739 0.0497088 0.947807 0.511978 0.0194308 0.0520221 0.40886 0.316115
0.150333 0.3123 0.564887 0.869185 0.406472 0.822917 0.611867 0.396063 0.255475
0.628552 0.634305 0.484303 0.452939 0.0510651 0.207345 0.143286 0.869137 0.626775
julia> ind = CartesianIndices(M)
10×10 CartesianIndices{2, Tuple{Base.OneTo{Int64}, Base.OneTo{Int64}}}:
CartesianIndex(1, 1) CartesianIndex(1, 2) … CartesianIndex(1, 9) CartesianIndex(1, 10)
CartesianIndex(2, 1) CartesianIndex(2, 2) CartesianIndex(2, 9) CartesianIndex(2, 10)
CartesianIndex(3, 1) CartesianIndex(3, 2) CartesianIndex(3, 9) CartesianIndex(3, 10)
CartesianIndex(4, 1) CartesianIndex(4, 2) CartesianIndex(4, 9) CartesianIndex(4, 10)
CartesianIndex(5, 1) CartesianIndex(5, 2) CartesianIndex(5, 9) CartesianIndex(5, 10)
CartesianIndex(6, 1) CartesianIndex(6, 2) … CartesianIndex(6, 9) CartesianIndex(6, 10)
CartesianIndex(7, 1) CartesianIndex(7, 2) CartesianIndex(7, 9) CartesianIndex(7, 10)
CartesianIndex(8, 1) CartesianIndex(8, 2) CartesianIndex(8, 9) CartesianIndex(8, 10)
CartesianIndex(9, 1) CartesianIndex(9, 2) CartesianIndex(9, 9) CartesianIndex(9, 10)
CartesianIndex(10, 1) CartesianIndex(10, 2) CartesianIndex(10, 9) CartesianIndex(10, 10)
f(I::CartesianIndex, m::Float64) = I[1] + I[2] + m
julia> f.(ind, M)
10×10 Matrix{Float64}:
2.34313 3.04612 4.00021 5.73949 6.0881 7.75464 8.74499 9.15088 10.769 11.9516
3.41561 4.91979 5.91771 6.31243 7.65958 8.04954 9.57961 10.4289 11.8809 12.069
4.88754 5.30829 6.30652 7.10873 8.0731 9.79731 10.0679 11.5603 12.6841 13.6019
5.61448 6.81736 7.19687 8.86319 9.36433 10.7867 11.0698 12.6 13.7096 14.5982
6.85679 7.37702 8.35784 9.65256 10.255 11.3884 12.0565 13.4969 14.7043 15.489
7.23391 8.01965 9.20122 10.5603 11.3276 12.7932 13.9574 14.4125 15.0796 16.7741
8.90542 9.22734 10.0487 11.3745 12.1456 13.8769 14.0121 15.9591 16.838 17.4134
9.51877 10.2987 11.0497 12.9478 13.512 14.9054 15.0194 16.052 17.4089 18.3161
10.1503 11.3123 12.5649 13.8692 14.4065 15.5465 16.8229 17.6119 18.3961 19.2555
11.6286 12.6343 13.4843 14.4529 15.0511 16.0112 17.2073 18.1433 19.8691 20.6268