
Description: The goal is to model a population of people who are infected with a virus.
# TODO: Make a curve for each case so we can see in real time how much the virus is spreading.
# -------------------- IMPORTS --------------------

from random import randint, random
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt, animation as anim
import math

# --------------------  GLOBAL VARIABLES --------------------

number_of_dots = 100  # number of dots to generate
shape = "o"  # tip: use '.' instead if you put a value < 3 in minimal_distance
HEIGHT_WIDTH = 100  # Window height and width (yes, window shape must be a square)
BORDER_MIN = 1  # minimum distance from the border
BORDER_MAX = HEIGHT_WIDTH - 1  # maximum distance from the border
minimal_distance = 3  # Minimal distance at initialization and for contamination
time = 0  # Time to initialize
time_step = 0.1  # Time step for the simulation
transmission_rate = 0.7  # Chance of a dot to be infected
time_to_cure = 40  # Time to cure a dot
time_before_being_contagious_again = 40  # Time before being contagious again
virus_mortality = 0.0005  # Chance of a dot to die per tick

# -------------------- CLASSES & METHODS --------------------

class Dot:
def __init__(self, x: int, y: int):
"""Constructor for the Dot class
x (int): abscissa of the dot
y (int): ordinate of the dot
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.velx = (random() - 0.5) / 5
self.vely = (random() - 0.5) / 5
self.is_infected = False
self.infected_at = -1
self.has_been_infected = False
self.cured_at = -1
def init_checker(x: int, y: int, already_used_coords: list):
"""Checks if the dot is in a distance of a minimal_distance from another dot
x (int): absissa of the dot
y (int): ordinate of the dot
already_used_coords (list): list of already occupated coordinates (by initialized dots)
boolean: Whether the Dot should be initialized or not
for coord in already_used_coords:
if Dot.get_distance(coord[0], x, coord[1], y) < minimal_distance:
return False
return True
def get_distance(x1: float, y1: float, x2: float, y2: float):
"""Gets the distance between two Dot objects
x1 (float): abscissa of the first dot
y1 (float): ordinate of the first dot
x2 (float): abscissa of the second dot
y2 (float): ordinate of the second dot
float: distance between the two dots
return math.sqrt((x2 - x1) ** 2 + (y2 - y1) ** 2)
def initalize_multiple_dots():
"""Generates a list of Dots
list: initialized dots
dots = []
already_used_coords = []
while len(dots) != number_of_dots:
randx = randint(BORDER_MIN, BORDER_MAX)
randy = randint(BORDER_MIN, BORDER_MAX)
# So the dots keep distances between each other
if Dot.init_checker(randx, randy, already_used_coords):
dot = Dot(randx, randy)
already_used_coords.append((randx, randy))
print("There are", len(dots), "dots in the area.")
return dots
def move(self):
"""Moves the dot and makes sure they don't go out of the area or touch each other. They've 4% chance to change direction."""
global dots, dead_dots
if random() < 0.96:
self.x = self.x + self.velx
self.y = self.y + self.vely
self.x = self.x + self.velx
self.y = self.y + self.vely
# Change 2 to lower value to make the dots go faster
self.velx = (random() - 0.5) / (2 / (time_step + 1))
# Change 2 to lower value to make the dots go faster
self.vely = (random() - 0.5) / (2 / (time_step + 1))
if self.x >= BORDER_MAX:
self.x = BORDER_MAX
self.velx = -1 * self.velx
if self.x <= BORDER_MIN:
self.x = BORDER_MIN
self.velx = -1 * self.velx
if self.y >= BORDER_MAX:
self.y = BORDER_MAX
self.vely = -1 * self.vely
if self.y <= BORDER_MIN:
self.y = BORDER_MIN
self.vely = -1 * self.vely
if (
random() < transmission_rate
and not self.has_been_infected
and not self.is_infected
for dot in dots:
if (
and Dot.get_distance(self.x, self.y, dot.x, dot.y)
< minimal_distance
self.is_infected = True
self.infected_at = time

if self.is_infected and random() < virus_mortality:
def move_all(dots: list):
"""Moves a given list of dots. Make sur that infected dots goes in the correct axes
dots (list): List of Dot objects
global healthy_dots, infected_dots, cured_dots, time
for dot in dots:
if (
and dot.infected_at != -1
and dot.infected_at + time_to_cure < time
dot.is_infected = False
dot.has_been_infected = True
dot.cured_at = time
if (
and dot.cured_at != -1
and dot.cured_at + time_before_being_contagious_again < time
dot.has_been_infected = False
dot.infected_at = -1
dot.cured_at = -1
for dot in dots
if not dot.is_infected and not dot.has_been_infected
for dot in dots
if not dot.is_infected and not dot.has_been_infected
[dot.x for dot in dots if dot.is_infected],
[dot.y for dot in dots if dot.is_infected],
[dot.x for dot in dots if dot.has_been_infected],
[dot.y for dot in dots if dot.has_been_infected],
time += time_step
f"Healthy: {len([dot for dot in dots if not dot.is_infected and not dot.has_been_infected])}"
+ f"   |   Infected: {len([dot for dot in dots if dot.is_infected])}"
+ f"   |   Cured: {len([dot for dot in dots if dot.has_been_infected])}"
+ f"   |   Dead: {len([dot for dot in dead_dots])}",

def updateAxes():
"""Updates axes of the second window"""

# -------------------- MAIN FUNCTION --------------------

def main():
global dots, dead_dots, axes
dots = Dot.initalize_multiple_dots()
random_infected = randint(0, len(dots) - 1)
dots[random_infected].is_infected = True
dots[random_infected].infected_at = time
figureDots = plt.figure(facecolor="white")
axes = plt.axes(xlim=(0, HEIGHT_WIDTH), ylim=(0, HEIGHT_WIDTH))
global healthy_dots
healthy_dots = axes.plot(
[dot.x for dot in dots if not dot.is_infected],
[dot.y for dot in dots if not dot.is_infected],
global infected_dots
infected_dots = axes.plot(
[dot.x for dot in dots if dot.is_infected],
[dot.y for dot in dots if dot.is_infected],
global cured_dots
cured_dots = axes.plot(
[dot.x for dot in dots if dot.has_been_infected],
[dot.y for dot in dots if dot.has_been_infected],

global dead_dots
dead_dots = []
# We need to keep this in an unsed variable, otherwise the function won't work
a = anim.FuncAnimation(figureDots, lambda z: Dot.move_all(dots), frames=60, interval=5)

# -------------------- MAIN CALL --------------------

if __name__ == "__main__":




import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig = plt.figure()
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(211)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(212)


子图以[row column subfig_number]的格式添加,其中subfig_number从左上角子图按行顺序从左到右到右下角。
