

PTE tmp; // A tmp PageTableEntry reference used for shuffling PTEs across RAM and the Page Table
Iterator<Entry<Integer, PTE>> hand; // Iterator that represents the clock hand
Map.Entry<Integer, PTE> entry = null; // A tmp Map Entry ref that is used to store the return of the hand Iterator

hand = RAM.entrySet().iterator(); // Set the Clock hand to the oldest PTE in RAM
entry = hand.next(); // Advance the iterator to the first RAM entry
tmp = entry.getValue(); // Get the PTE the Clock hand is pointing at
while (tmp.ref && hand.hasNext()) { // Advance the clock hand through RAM until finding an unreferenced PTE
debugPrint(String.format("while:The hand is pointing at page # %d, ref == %bn", tmp.baseAddr, tmp.ref), 1);
tmp.ref = false; // Set the ref bit to false to give the PTE a second chance
entry = hand.next(); // Select next PTE in RAM
tmp = entry.getValue();
if (tmp.ref && !hand.hasNext()) { // Corner Case: The clock hand has found all PTEs in RAM to be referenced, must follow FIFO
debugPrint(String.format("!HasNext:The hand is pointing at page # %d, ref == %bn", tmp.baseAddr, tmp.ref), 1);
tmp.ref = false; // Marked for eviction, must be set to unreferenced
hand = RAM.entrySet().iterator(); // Reset the clock hand to point back to the first PTE inserted.
entry = hand.next();
tmp = entry.getValue();



