

["Some text", "Some text 2", "Some text 3", "Some text 4", "Some text 5", "Some text 6"]


session = requests.Session()
retry = Retry(connect=3, backoff_factor=0.5)
adapter = HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retry)
session.mount('http://', adapter)
session.mount('https://', adapter)
page = session.get("The url you are webscraping")
content = page.content
htmlsite = urllib.request.urlopen("The url you are webscraping")
soup = BeautifulSoup(htmlsite, 'lxml')
tree = html.fromstring(content)
scraped = tree.xpath('//html[contains(@class, "no-js")]/body/div[contains(@class, "container")]/div[contains(@class, "content")]/div[contains(@class, "row")]/div[contains(@class, "col-md-6")]/div[contains(@class, "clearfix")]//text()')


['rn        ', 'rn        ', 'Nicholas F. Galluccio', 'rn        ', 'rn        ', 'Managing Director and Portfolio Manager', 'rn        ', 'Teton Small Cap Select Value', 'rn        ', 'Keeley Teton Small Mid Cap Value', 'rn      ', 'rn        ', 'rn        ', 'Scott R. Butler', 'rn        ', 'rn        ', 'Senior Vice President and Portfolio Manager ', 'rn        ', 'Teton Small Cap Select Value', 'rn        ', 'Keeley Teton Small Mid Cap Value', 'rn      ', 'rn        ', 'rn        ', 'Thomas E. Browne, Jr., CFA', 'rn        ', 'rn        ', 'Portfolio Manager', 'rn        ', 'Keeley Teton Small and Mid Cap Dividend Value', 'rn        ', 'Keeley Teton Small and Small Mid Cap Value', 'rn      ', 'rn        ', 'rn        ', 'Brian P. Leonard, CFA', 'rn        ', 'rn
', 'Portfolio Manager', 'rn        ', 'Keeley Teton Small and Mid Cap Dividend Value', 'rn        ', 'Keeley Teton Small and Small Mid Cap Value', 'rn      ', 'rn        ', 'rn        ', 'Robert M. Goldsborough', 'rn        ', 'rn        ', 'Research Analyst', 'rn        ', 'Keeley Teton Small and Mid Cap Dividend Value', 'rn      ', 'rn        ', 'rn        ', 'Brian R. Keeley, CFA', 'rn        ', 'rn        ', 'Portfolio Manager', 'rn        ', 'Keeley Teton Small and Small Mid Cap Value', 'rn      ', 'rn        ', 'rn        ', 'Edward S. Borland', 'rn        ', 'rn
', 'Research Analyst', 'rn        ', 'Keeley Teton Small and Small Mid Cap Value', 'rn      ', 'rn        ', 'rn        ', 'Kevin M. Keeley', 'rn        ', 'rn        ', 'President', 'rn
', 'rn        ', 'rn        ', 'Deanna B. Marotz', 'rn        ', 'rn        ', 'Chief Compliance Officer', 'rn      ']
