


因此,以类似于标准hypot()函数的成本直接计算1/√(A2+b2(的函数rhypot(a,b)是可取的。准确度应与计算CCD_ 7的朴素方法相同或更好。使用正确取整的hypot函数,该表达式的最大误差为1.5 ulps。




一些计算环境提供rsqrt()功能,该功能计划包含在未来版本的ISO C标准(ISO/IEC TS 18661-4:2015(中。对于不提供倒数平方根函数的环境,我将展示一些可移植的(在问题中所述的平台要求内(和机器特定的实现。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
uint32_t __float_as_uint32 (float a)
uint32_t r;
memcpy (&r, &a, sizeof r);
return r;
float __uint32_as_float (uint32_t a)
float r;
memcpy (&r, &a, sizeof r);
return r;
float my_rsqrtf (float);
/* Compute the reciprocal of sqrt (a**2 + b**2), avoiding premature overflow
and underflow in intermediate computation. The accuracy of this function
depends on the accuracy of the reciprocal square root implementation used. 
With the rsqrtf() implementations shown below, the following maximum ulp 
error was observed for 2**36 random test cases:
CORRECTLY_ROUNDED       1.20736973
SSE_HALLEY              1.33120522 
SSE_2NR                 1.42086841
SQRT_OOX                1.42906701
BIT_TWIDDLE_3NR         1.43062950
ITO_TAKAGI_YAJIMA_1NR   1.43681737
float my_rhypotf (float a, float b)
float fa, fb, mn, mx, scale, s, w, res;
uint32_t expo;
/* sort arguments by magnitude */
fa = fabsf (a);
fb = fabsf (b);
mx = fmaxf (fa, fb);
mn = fminf (fa, fb);
/* compute scale factor */
expo = __float_as_uint32 (mx) & 0xfc000000;
scale = __uint32_as_float (0x7e000000 - expo);
/* scale operand of maximum magnitude towards unity */
mn = mn * scale;
mx = mx * scale;
/* mx in [2**-23, 2**6) */
s = fmaf (mx, mx, mn * mn); // 0.75 ulp
w = my_rsqrtf (s);
/* reverse previous scaling */
res = w * scale;
/* handle special cases */
float t = a + b;
if (!(fabsf (t) <= INFINITY)) res = t; // isnan(t)
if (mx == INFINITY) res = 0.0f; // isinf(mx)
return res;
#define CORRECTLY_ROUNDED     (1)
#define SSE_HALLEY            (2)
#define SSE_2NR               (3)
#define SQRT_OOX              (5)
#define BIT_TWIDDLE_3NR       (6)
#include "immintrin.h"
float my_rsqrtf (float a)
float r = (float) sqrt (1.0/(double)a);
float r = sqrtf (1.0f / a);
float r;
/* compute initial approximation */
_mm_store_ss (&r, _mm_rsqrt_ss (_mm_set_ss (a)));
/* refine approximation using two Newton-Raphson iterations */
r = fmaf (fmaf (-a, r * r, 1.0f), 0.5f * r, r);
r = fmaf (fmaf (-a, r * r, 1.0f), 0.5f * r, r);
float e, r;
/* compute initial approximation */
_mm_store_ss (&r, _mm_rsqrt_ss (_mm_set_ss (a)));
/* refine approximation using Halley iteration with cubic convergence */
e = fmaf (r * r, -a, 1.0f);
r = fmaf (fmaf (0.375f, e, 0.5f), e * r, r);
float r;
/* compute initial approximation */
r = __uint32_as_float (0x5f375b0d - (__float_as_uint32(a) >> 1));
/* refine approximation using three Newton-Raphson iterations */
r = fmaf (fmaf (-a, r * r, 1.0f), 0.5f * r, r);
r = fmaf (fmaf (-a, r * r, 1.0f), 0.5f * r, r);
r = fmaf (fmaf (-a, r * r, 1.0f), 0.5f * r, r);
float e, r;
/* compute initial approximation */
r = __uint32_as_float (0x5f375b0d - (__float_as_uint32(a) >> 1));
/* refine approximation using Newton-Raphson iteration */
r = fmaf (fmaf (-a, r * r, 1.0f), 0.5f * r, r);
/* refine approximation using Halley iteration with cubic convergence */
e = fmaf (r * r, -a, 1.0f);
r = fmaf (fmaf (0.375f, e, 0.5f), e * r, r);
/* Masayuki Ito, Naofumi Takagi, Shuzo Yajima, "Efficient Initial 
Approximation for Multiplicative Division and Square Root by a 
Multiplication with Operand Modification". IEEE Transactions on 
Computers, Vol. 46, No. 4, April 1997, pp. 495-498.
#define TAB_INDEX_BITS     (7)
#define TAB_ENTRY_BITS     (16)
#define TAB_ENTRIES        (1 << TAB_INDEX_BITS)
#define FP32_EXPO_BIAS     (127)
#define FP32_MANT_BITS     (23)
#define FP32_SIGN_MASK     (0x80000000)
#define FP32_EXPO_MASK     (0x7f800000)
#define FP32_EXPO_LSB_MASK (1u << FP32_MANT_BITS)
#define FP32_INDEX_MASK    (((1u << TAB_INDEX_BITS) - 1) << (FP32_MANT_BITS - TAB_INDEX_BITS))
#define FP32_FLIP_BIT_MASK (3u << (FP32_MANT_BITS - TAB_INDEX_BITS - 1))
#define FP32_ONE_HALF      (0x3f000000)
const uint16_t d1tab [TAB_ENTRIES] = {
0xb2ec, 0xaed7, 0xaae9, 0xa720, 0xa37b, 0x9ff7, 0x9c93, 0x994d,
0x9623, 0x9316, 0x9022, 0x8d47, 0x8a85, 0x87d8, 0x8542, 0x82c0,
0x8053, 0x7bf0, 0x775f, 0x72f1, 0x6ea4, 0x6a77, 0x666a, 0x6279,
0x5ea5, 0x5aed, 0x574e, 0x53c9, 0x505d, 0x4d07, 0x49c8, 0x469e,
0x438a, 0x408a, 0x3d9e, 0x3ac4, 0x37fc, 0x3546, 0x32a0, 0x300b,
0x2d86, 0x2b10, 0x28a8, 0x264f, 0x2404, 0x21c6, 0x1f95, 0x1d70,
0x1b58, 0x194c, 0x174b, 0x1555, 0x136a, 0x1189, 0x0fb2, 0x0de6,
0x0c22, 0x0a68, 0x08b7, 0x070f, 0x056f, 0x03d8, 0x0249, 0x00c1,
0xfd08, 0xf742, 0xf1b4, 0xec5a, 0xe732, 0xe239, 0xdd6d, 0xd8cc,
0xd454, 0xd002, 0xcbd6, 0xc7cd, 0xc3e5, 0xc01d, 0xbc75, 0xb8e9,
0xb57a, 0xb225, 0xaeeb, 0xabc9, 0xa8be, 0xa5cb, 0xa2ed, 0xa024,
0x9d6f, 0x9ace, 0x983e, 0x95c1, 0x9355, 0x90fa, 0x8eae, 0x8c72,
0x8a45, 0x8825, 0x8614, 0x8410, 0x8219, 0x802e, 0x7c9c, 0x78f5,
0x7565, 0x71eb, 0x6e85, 0x6b31, 0x67f3, 0x64c7, 0x61ae, 0x5ea7,
0x5bb0, 0x58cb, 0x55f6, 0x5330, 0x5079, 0x4dd1, 0x4b38, 0x48ad,
0x462f, 0x43be, 0x4159, 0x3f01, 0x3cb5, 0x3a75, 0x3840, 0x3616
uint32_t arg, idx, d1, xhat;
float r;
arg = __float_as_uint32 (a);
idx = (arg >> ((FP32_MANT_BITS + 1) - TAB_INDEX_BITS)) & ((1u << TAB_INDEX_BITS) - 1); 
d1 = FP32_ONE_HALF | (d1tab[idx] << ((FP32_MANT_BITS + 1) - TAB_ENTRY_BITS));
xhat = ((arg & FP32_INDEX_MASK) | (((((3 * FP32_EXPO_BIAS) << FP32_MANT_BITS) + ~arg) >> 1) & FP32_XHAT_MASK)) ^ FP32_FLIP_BIT_MASK;
/* compute initial approximation, accurate to about 14 bits */
r = __uint32_as_float (d1) * __uint32_as_float (xhat);
/* refine approximation with one Newton-Raphson iteration */
r = fmaf (fmaf (-a, r * r, 1.0f), 0.5f * r, r);
#error unsupported RSQRT_VARIANT
return r;
uint64_t __double_as_uint64 (double a)
uint64_t r;
memcpy (&r, &a, sizeof r);
return r;
double floatUlpErr (float res, double ref)
uint64_t i, j, err, refi;
int expoRef;

/* ulp error cannot be computed if either operand is NaN, infinity, zero */
if (isnan (res) || isnan (ref) || isinf (res) || isinf (ref) ||
(res == 0.0f) || (ref == 0.0f)) {
return 0.0;
/* Convert the float result to an "extended float". This is like a float
with 56 instead of 24 effective mantissa bits.
i = ((uint64_t)__float_as_uint32(res)) << 32;
/* Convert the double reference to an "extended float". If the reference is
>= 2^129, we need to clamp to the maximum "extended float". If reference
is < 2^-126, we need to denormalize because of the float types's limited
exponent range.
refi = __double_as_uint64(ref);
expoRef = (int)(((refi >> 52) & 0x7ff) - 1023);
if (expoRef >= 129) {
j = 0x7fffffffffffffffULL;
} else if (expoRef < -126) {
j = ((refi << 11) | 0x8000000000000000ULL) >> 8;
j = j >> (-(expoRef + 126));
} else {
j = ((refi << 11) & 0x7fffffffffffffffULL) >> 8;
j = j | ((uint64_t)(expoRef + 127) << 55);
j = j | (refi & 0x8000000000000000ULL);
err = (i < j) ? (j - i) : (i - j);
return err / 4294967296.0;
double rhypot (double a, double b)
return 1.0 / hypot (a, b);
// Fixes via: Greg Rose, KISS: A Bit Too Simple. http://eprint.iacr.org/2011/007
static unsigned int z=362436069,w=521288629,jsr=362436069,jcong=123456789;
#define znew (z=36969*(z&0xffff)+(z>>16))
#define wnew (w=18000*(w&0xffff)+(w>>16))
#define MWC  ((znew<<16)+wnew)
#define SHR3 (jsr^=(jsr<<13),jsr^=(jsr>>17),jsr^=(jsr<<5)) /* 2^32-1 */
#define CONG (jcong=69069*jcong+13579)                     /* 2^32 */
#define KISS ((MWC^CONG)+SHR3)
#define FP32_QNAN_BIT (0x00400000)
int main (void)
float af, bf, resf, reff;
uint32_t ai, bi, resi, refi;
double ref, err, maxerr = 0;
uint64_t diff, diffsum = 0, count = 1ULL << 36;

do {
ai = KISS;
bi = KISS;
af = __uint32_as_float (ai);
bf = __uint32_as_float (bi);
resf = my_rhypotf (af, bf);
ref = rhypot ((double)af, (double)bf);
reff = (float)ref;
refi = __float_as_uint32 (reff);
resi = __float_as_uint32 (resf);
diff = llabs ((long long int)resi - (long long int)refi);
/* If both inputs are a NaN, result can be either argument, converted
to QNaN if necessary. If one input is NaN and the other not infinity
the NaN input must be returned, converted to QNaN if necessary. If
one input is infinity, zero must be returned even if the other input
is a NaN. In all other cases allow up to 1 ulp of difference.
if ((isnan (af) && isnan (bf) && (resi != (ai | FP32_QNAN_BIT)) && (resi != (bi | FP32_QNAN_BIT))) ||
(isnan (af) && !isinf (bf) && !isnan (bf) && (resi != (ai | FP32_QNAN_BIT))) ||
(isnan (bf) && !isinf (af) && !isnan (af) && (resi != (bi | FP32_QNAN_BIT))) ||
(isinf (af) && (resi != 0)) ||
(isinf (bf) && (resi != 0)) ||
(diff > 1)) {
printf ("err @ (%08x,%08x): res= %08x (%15.8e) ref=%08x (%15.8e)n",
ai, bi, resi, resf, refi, reff);
diffsum += diff;
err = floatUlpErr (resf, ref);
if (err > maxerr) {
printf ("ulp=%.8f @ (% 15.8e, % 15.8e): res=%15.6a  ref=%22.13an", 
err, af, bf, resf, ref);
maxerr = err;
} while (count);
printf ("diffsum = %llun", diffsum);
