如何在 SQL 查询中将个位数零'0'(仅一位数字)替换为字符串值



select left(pdc.semester,6) as Sem1,RIGHT(pdc.semester,4) as sem2,pdc.semester as Semester,replace(count(pdc.CNIC),'0','N/A') as TotalRegistrations,replace(count(s.studentid),'0','N/A') as TotalRegistered,
Replace(count(case when r.Grade is not null then 'Appeared' end),0,'N/A') as Appeared,
Replace(count(case when r.Grade='f' then 'fail' end),'0','N/A') as Failed,
Replace(count(case when r.grade <>'f' then 'pass' end),'0','N/A') as Passed
from PDC_PreRegistration pdc 
left join  Students s on pdc.Semester=s.CurSemester and s.nic=pdc.CNIC
left join studentresultnet r on s.studentid=r.studentid and s.CurSemester=r.Semester 
left join semester se on se.Semester=r.Semester
where pdc.semester 
in (select CurSemester from students where  batch='PD2110') 
group by pdc.Semester
ORDER BY  sem2,Sem1




IsNULL(NULLIF(CAST(count(s.studentid) AS char(20)),'0'), 'N/A')

select left(pdc.semester,6) as Sem1,RIGHT(pdc.semester,4) as sem2,pdc.semester as Semester,IsNULL(NULLIF(CAST(count(s.studentid) AS char(20)),'0'), 'N/A') as TotalRegistrations,count(s.studentid) as TotalRegistered,
Replace(count(case when r.Grade is not null then 'Appeared' end),0,'N/A') as Appeared,
Replace(count(case when r.Grade='f' then 'fail' end),'0','N/A') as Failed,
Replace(count(case when r.grade <>'f' then 'pass' end),'0','N/A') as Passed
from PDC_PreRegistration pdc 
left join  Students s on pdc.Semester=s.CurSemester and s.nic=pdc.CNIC
left join studentresultnet r on s.studentid=r.studentid and s.CurSemester=r.Semester 
left join semester se on se.Semester=r.Semester
where pdc.semester 
in (select CurSemester from students where  batch='PD2110') 
group by pdc.Semester
ORDER BY  sem2,Sem1


  1. select Count(studentid(--在studentid coulname中的记录计数结果。可以是个位数";0";或";00">

  2. 选择CAST(0作为char(20((-将计数函数int的结果转换为char,然后将结果与char匹配";0";在下一步中

SELECT  CAST(count(s.studentid) AS char(20)) 
  1. SELECT NULLIF(CAST(count(s.studentid(AS char(20((,"0"(--NULLIF;0";它是硬编码的更多关于NULLIF的解释如下:
select NULLIF('abc','abc') --**Results Null because both expressions inside NullIF have same value.٭٭
select NULLIF('0','0') --**Result Null because both Expressions inside NullIF have same value.٭٭
select NUllIF('20','0') --** Results 20 becuase Expressions inside NullIF have not same value.٭٭
  1. ---ISNULL(表达式,替换(---如果表达式为NULL,则ISNULL函数将替换为在我们的情况下为N/a的替换,或者如果值不为NULL,则它将保留该值
select ISNULL(NULL,' Value is NULL so replace by This expression') --**Results in Replace Expression.٭٭
select ISNULL('Any value', 'if the value is null then replace by This expression') --**Results in Any value.٭٭


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