

但是,当尝试使用它(public LvlData CurrentLevelData = readLvl("../Level/Def/lvl.txt");(时,它抛出一个A字段初始值设定项。它不能引用非静态字段、方法或属性"name"。错误


class LevelManager
public LevelManager()

public struct LvlData
public LvlData(int width, int height, string tiledata,string colisiondata,string flag = "0")
Width = width;
Height = height;
TileData = tiledata;
CollisionData = colisiondata;
Flag = flag; //Deafult 0 Beacuse we sometimes don't have it
public int Width { get; }
public int Height { get; }
public string TileData { get; }
public string CollisionData { get; }
public string Flag { get; }
public LvlData readLvl(string dir)
int w, h;
string tiled, colliiond, f;
// Read the file 
string[] lines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(dir);
w = int.Parse(lines[0]);
h = int.Parse(lines[1]);
tiled = lines[2];
colliiond = lines[3];
f = lines[4];
LvlData deta = new LvlData(w, h, tiled, colliiond, f);
return deta;
public LvlData CurrentLevelData = readLvl("../Level/Def/lvl.txt");



class LevelManager
public LvlData CurrentLevelData {get; set;}
public LevelManager()
CurrentLevelData = readLvl("../Level/Def/lvl.txt");


public static LvlData CurrentLevelData {get; set; } = readLvl("../Level/Def/lvl.txt");
public static LvlData readLvl(string dir)
