用于下一个循环Visual Basic


Dim minNum As Integer
Dim maxNum As Integer
Dim runningCount As Integer
Dim total As Integer
Dim Cont As Integer
minNum = InputBox("please input the lower number, between 1 and 100")
maxNum = InputBox("Please input the higer number, between 1 and 100")
For Cont = minNum To (maxNum - 1)
runningCount = runningCount + 1
total = total + (minNum + runningCount)
Next Cont


Dim minNum As Integer
Dim maxNum As Integer
Dim runningCount As Integer
Dim total As Integer
Dim Cont As Integer
Dim totalLog As String
minNum = InputBox("please input the lower number, between 1 and 100")
maxNum = InputBox("Please input the higer number, between 1 and 100")
For Cont = minNum To (maxNum - 1)
runningCount = runningCount + 1
total = total + (minNum + runningCount)
totalLog = totalLog & "+" & (minNum + runningCount)
Next Cont
MsgBox (total)
totalLog = totalLog & "=" & total
MsgBox (Right(totalLog, Len(totalLog) - 1))



Dim minNum As Integer
Dim maxNum As Integer
Dim total As Integer
Dim Cont As Integer
minNum = InputBox("please input the lower number, between 1 and 100")
maxNum = InputBox("Please input the higer number, between 1 and 100")
For Cont = minNum To maxNum
total = total + Cont
Next Cont
MsgBox (total)

