

typedef struct _Node {
int value;
struct _Node *next;
} Node;
3 -> 0 -> 4 -> 5 -> 3 -> 2 -> 1 -> 11 -> NULL



typedef struct _List {
Node *node;
struct _List *next;
} List;


// [] denotes a sub list not an array
[3 -> 5 -> 1 - > NULL] -> [0 -> 3 -> 11 -> NULL] -> [4 -> 2 -> NULL]


例如:假设我有一个较小的链表:1 -> 5 -> 8 -> 10 -> NULL



Node * list; // suppose that the head has a value of 3 which points to 0 and so on
List * bigList; // suppose that bigList points to 2 other lists in 
bigList -> node = list; // first node in first list points to the node list (3)
k = 3; // sub-lists that are created
size = 8; // number of nodes in the linked list

for(int i = 0; i < k; i++){
for(int j = i; j < size; j += k){
// here is where I would have to manipulate list and weave it into different sub lists
fprintf(stdout, "%d -> ", getNode(list, j) -> value); // prints correct sequence (getNode is a function that finds the nTh node in the list)
fprintf(stdout, "n");


void insert_node_into_list (Node ** list, int value) {
Node * node = malloc(sizeof *node);
*node = (Node) {.value = value, .next = NULL};
while (*list) list = &(**list).next;
*list = node;
void new_list (List ** superlist) {
// since we're creating all superlists at once, they can be inserted in any order
// so we do it at the front, since it's faster
List * list = malloc(sizeof *list);
*list = (List) {.node = NULL, .next = *superlist};
*superlist = list;
void insert_node_into_superlist (List * superlist, List ** current, int value) {
insert_node_into_list(&(**current).node, value);
*current = (**current).next;
if (!*current) *current = superlist;


List * superlist = NULL;
unsigned x;
for (x = 0; x < 3; x ++) new_list(&superlist);
List * current = superlist;
insert_node_into_superlist(superlist, &current, 3);
insert_node_into_superlist(superlist, &current, 0);
insert_node_into_superlist(superlist, &current, 4);
insert_node_into_superlist(superlist, &current, 5);
insert_node_into_superlist(superlist, &current, 3);
insert_node_into_superlist(superlist, &current, 2);
insert_node_into_superlist(superlist, &current, 1);
insert_node_into_superlist(superlist, &current, 11);

current指针将始终指向用于插入的下一个子列表,因此它将遍历超级列表中的所有子列表。由于当它到达超级列表的末尾时(通过if (!*current) *current = superlist;行(,它被重置为超级列表的开头,这确保了值以旋转的方式插入到每个子列表中。


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