





#if defined _WIN32
#define DLLEXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
#elif __GNUC__ >=4
#define DLLEXPORT __attribute__ ((visibility("default")))
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#pragma pack(push, 4)
struct SimulationSizes {
int numInputs;      /* the number of inputs that the DLL needs           */
int numOutputs;     /* the number of outputs that the DLL provides       */
int numStates;      /* the number of discrete states that the DLL needs  */
int numParameters;  /* the number of user parameters that the DLL needs  */
struct SimulationState {
const double* const inputs;     /* array of input values (read-only)      */
double* const outputs;          /* array of output values (to fill by DLL) */
double* const states;           /* array of discrete states (read/write)  */
const double* const parameters; /* array of parameters (read-only)        */
const double time;              /* current simulation time (read-only)    */
const char* errorMessage;       /* error message to set by DLL            */
void* userData;                 /* pointer to any DLL data (untouched by PLECS) */
#pragma pack(pop)
/* Required: DLL needs to set all fields in aSizes.                          */
/* Called once before the simulation.                                        */
DLLEXPORT void plecsSetSizes(struct SimulationSizes* aSizes);
/* Optional: DLL may acquire resources, initialize states and outputs.       */
/* Called once during the initialization of a new simulation.                */
DLLEXPORT void plecsStart(struct SimulationState* aState);
/* Required: DLL needs to set outputs depending on inputs and states.        */
/* Called whenever the simulation time reaches a multiple of the sample      */
/* time.                                                                     */
DLLEXPORT void plecsOutput(struct SimulationState* aState);
/* Optional: DLL may release any acquired resources.                         */
/* Called when the simulation is finished, even when an error occured.       */
DLLEXPORT void plecsTerminate(struct SimulationState* aState);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* PLECSDLLHEADER_H_ */


#include "DllHeader.h"
//Map input and output parameters to meaningful names
#define in aState->inputs[0]
#define out aState->outputs[0]

DLLEXPORT void plecsSetSizes(struct SimulationSizes* aSizes)
aSizes->numInputs = 1;
aSizes->numOutputs = 1;
aSizes->numStates = 0;
aSizes->numParameters = 0; //number of user parameters passed in
//This function is automatically called at the beginning of the simulation
DLLEXPORT void plecsStart(struct SimulationState* aState)
// do some initialization ...

//This function is automatically called every sample time
//output is written to DLL output port after the output delay
DLLEXPORT void plecsOutput(struct SimulationState* aState)
// do some calculation ...




#ifndef COMMON_H_
#define COMMON_H_
#if defined _WIN32
#define DLLEXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
#elif __GNUC__ >=4
#define DLLEXPORT __attribute__ ((visibility("default")))
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#pragma pack(push, 4)
typedef struct{
float a;
float b;
} Coord;
#pragma pack(pop)
extern Coord curPos;
DLLEXPORT Coord GetcurPos(void);
DLLEXPORT float getMax(float a, float b);
DLLEXPORT void SetcurPos(float a, float b);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* COMMON_H_ */


#include "common.h"
Coord curPos;

DLLEXPORT float getMax(float a, float b){
return a>b?a:b;
DLLEXPORT Coord GetcurPos(void){
return curPos;
DLLEXPORT void SetcurPos(float a, float b){


#include "DllHeader.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include "common.h"

//Map input and output parameters to meaningful names
#define in aState->inputs[0]
#define out aState->outputs[0]

HMODULE module;
typedef float(*AddFunc)(float, float);
typedef Coord (*PosGetter)(void);
AddFunc dllmax;
PosGetter getCurPos;
DLLEXPORT void plecsSetSizes(struct SimulationSizes* aSizes)
aSizes->numInputs = 1;
aSizes->numOutputs = 1;
aSizes->numStates = 0;
aSizes->numParameters = 0; //number of user parameters passed in
DLLEXPORT void plecsStart(struct SimulationState* aState)
module = LoadLibrary(TEXT("D:\Simulation\PLECSLearn\DLL\global_test\common.dll"));
if (module == NULL)
aState->errorMessage = "Failed to load common.dll";
dllmax = (AddFunc)GetProcAddress(module, "getMax");
getCurPos = (PosGetter)GetProcAddress(module, "GetcurPos");

//This function is automatically called every sample time
//output is written to DLL output port after the output delay
DLLEXPORT void plecsOutput(struct SimulationState* aState)
if (getCurPos().a == 1){
out = 2;
} else {
out = -1;
// out = dllmax(200,300);


#include "DllHeader.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include "common.h"
//Map input and output parameters to meaningful names
#define in aState->inputs[0]
#define out aState->outputs[0]
HMODULE module;
typedef float(*AddFunc)(float, float);
typedef Coord (*PosGetter)(void);
typedef void (*PosSetter)(float, float);
AddFunc dllmax;
PosGetter getCurPos;
PosSetter setCurPos;
DLLEXPORT void plecsSetSizes(struct SimulationSizes* aSizes)
aSizes->numInputs = 1;
aSizes->numOutputs = 1;
aSizes->numStates = 0;
aSizes->numParameters = 0; //number of user parameters passed in
DLLEXPORT void plecsStart(struct SimulationState* aState)
module = LoadLibrary(TEXT("D:\Simulation\PLECSLearn\DLL\global_test\common.dll"));
if (module == NULL)
aState->errorMessage = "Failed to load common.dll";
dllmax = (AddFunc)GetProcAddress(module, "getMax");
getCurPos = (PosGetter)GetProcAddress(module, "GetcurPos");
setCurPos = (PosSetter)GetProcAddress(module, "SetcurPos");

//This function is automatically called every sample time
//output is written to DLL output port after the output delay
DLLEXPORT void plecsOutput(struct SimulationState* aState)
static int cnt = 0;
if (cnt<5000){
out = getCurPos().a;
