如何在Cosmos DB中使用子查询实现左联接


select A.a,A.b,C.c
from Inventory A left join
(select B.a as id,B.a*100 as c
from Inventory B
where condition1 and condition2
) as C
on C.id
on A.a


Cosmos DB目前只支持自加入。您可以参考本文档。左加入是Cosmos DB开发团队的计划,也是2020年下半年的暂定开始。你可以在这里跟踪这个功能。

假设on C.id on A.a是一个拼写错误,并且实际上是on C.id = A.a:

select a.a, a.b, c.c
from inventory a 
left join 
select b.a as id, b.a * 100 as c
from inventory b
where condition1 and condition2
) as c on c.id = a.a;


select a.a, a.b, 
select b.a * 100
from inventory b
where condition1 and condition2
and b.a = a.a
) as c
from inventory a;
