无法使用Android Xamarin Forms UITest点击DisplayAlert按钮

我正在使用Xamarin UITest来执行UI单元测试。我不知道如何让UITest框架点击DisplayAlert(…(按钮。

// this query finds the YES button on the Alert
app.WaitForElement( c => c.Marked( "YES" ).Parent().Class( "AlertDialogLayout" ), "ERR", TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 1 ) );
// but tap with the same query doesn't click it
app.Tap( c => c.Marked( "YES" ).Parent().Class( "AlertDialogLayout" ) );


// this query finds the YES button on the Alert
app.WaitForElement( c => c.Marked( "YES" ).Parent().Class( "AlertDialogLayout" ), "ERR", TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 1 ) );
// but tap with the same query doesn't click it
// but "YES" does!
app.Tap( "YES" ); 
