

SC  NETWORK_ID  Lat         Lon  
0   ED0002      41.6742     26.553130600000003  
0   ED0016      41.7750556  26.9170278  
0   IS0030      41.05455556 28.80925  
0   IS0134      40.97616944 28.80165  
1   ED0016      41.7750556  26.9170278  
1   IS0096      40.99406111 28.82413056  
1   IS0137      40.98033889 28.73052778  
1   IS0280      41.1085556  28.874861100000004  
2   ED0002      41.6742     26.553130600000003  
2   ED0018      41.26675    26.687669399999997  
2   IS0034      41.10741944 28.80134167  
2   IS0063      40.97868889 28.72448889  
2   IS0280      41.1085556  28.874861100000004  
2   IS0880      41.03519444 28.82001389  
3   ED0018      41.26675    26.687669399999997  
3   IB9048      40.98021667 28.833175  
3   IS0034      41.10741944 28.80134167  
3   IS0063      40.97868889 28.72448889  
3   IS0280      41.1085556  28.874861100000004  




def global_distance(location1, location2):
lat1, lon1 = location1
lat2, lon2 = location2
radius = 6371 # radius of the Earth
dlat = math.radians(lat2-lat1)
dlon = math.radians(lon2-lon1)
a = math.sin(dlat/2) * math.sin(dlat/2) + math.cos(math.radians(lat1)) 
* math.cos(math.radians(lat2)) * math.sin(dlon/2) * math.sin(dlon/2)
c = 2 * math.atan2(math.sqrt(a), math.sqrt(1-a))
d = radius * c
return d 


  1. 使用itertools.combinationsSC内获得NETWORK_ID
  2. 则一些CCD_ 2将该对列表转换成行
  3. 将对拆分为列,以便可以在merge()中使用
  4. 所有准备工作已完成-使用geopy.distance计算距离


import itertools
import geopy.distance
data = """SC  NETWORK_ID  Lat         Lon  
0   ED0002      41.6742     26.553130600000003  
0   ED0016      41.7750556  26.9170278  
0   IS0030      41.05455556 28.80925  
0   IS0134      40.97616944 28.80165  
1   ED0016      41.7750556  26.9170278  
1   IS0096      40.99406111 28.82413056  
1   IS0137      40.98033889 28.73052778  
1   IS0280      41.1085556  28.874861100000004  
2   ED0002      41.6742     26.553130600000003  
2   ED0018      41.26675    26.687669399999997  
2   IS0034      41.10741944 28.80134167  
2   IS0063      40.97868889 28.72448889  
2   IS0280      41.1085556  28.874861100000004  
2   IS0880      41.03519444 28.82001389  
3   ED0018      41.26675    26.687669399999997  
3   IB9048      40.98021667 28.833175  
3   IS0034      41.10741944 28.80134167  
3   IS0063      40.97868889 28.72448889  
3   IS0280      41.1085556  28.874861100000004 """
a = [[i for i in l.split(" ") if i!=""] for l in data.split("n")]
df = pd.DataFrame(a[1:], columns=a[0])
# first get pairs of neigbors within SC
dfd = ( df.groupby("SC").agg({"NETWORK_ID":lambda s: list(itertools.combinations(list(s), 2))})
# generate rows for each pair
.explode("NETWORK_ID").rename({"NETWORK_ID":"PAIR"}, axis=1).reset_index()
# split pairs of locations back into individual column s
.assign(n1=lambda dfa: dfa["PAIR"].apply(lambda s: s[0]),
n2=lambda dfa: dfa["PAIR"].apply(lambda s: s[1]))
# merge back original data so have lat/lon for the pair of locations
.merge(df, left_on=["SC","n1"], right_on=["SC","NETWORK_ID"]).drop("NETWORK_ID", axis=1)
.merge(df, left_on=["SC","n2"], right_on=["SC","NETWORK_ID"]).drop("NETWORK_ID", axis=1)
# finally calc the distance
.assign(miles=lambda dfa: dfa.apply(lambda r: 
(r["Lat_y"],r["Lon_y"])).miles, axis=1)) )


SC              PAIR      n1      n2        Lat_x               Lon_x        Lat_y               Lon_y       miles
0  (ED0002, ED0016)  ED0002  ED0016      41.6742  26.553130600000003   41.7750556          26.9170278   20.060612
0  (ED0002, IS0030)  ED0002  IS0030      41.6742  26.553130600000003  41.05455556            28.80925  124.842785
0  (ED0016, IS0030)  ED0016  IS0030   41.7750556          26.9170278  41.05455556            28.80925  110.157080
0  (ED0002, IS0134)  ED0002  IS0134      41.6742  26.553130600000003  40.97616944            28.80165  126.496404
0  (ED0016, IS0134)  ED0016  IS0134   41.7750556          26.9170278  40.97616944            28.80165  112.408698
0  (IS0030, IS0134)  IS0030  IS0134  41.05455556            28.80925  40.97616944            28.80165    5.423670
1  (ED0016, IS0096)  ED0016  IS0096   41.7750556          26.9170278  40.99406111         28.82413056  112.821672
1  (ED0016, IS0137)  ED0016  IS0137   41.7750556          26.9170278  40.98033889         28.73052778  109.054636
1  (IS0096, IS0137)  IS0096  IS0137  40.99406111         28.82413056  40.98033889         28.73052778    4.985179
1  (ED0016, IS0280)  ED0016  IS0280   41.7750556          26.9170278   41.1085556  28.874861100000004  111.584270
1  (IS0096, IS0280)  IS0096  IS0280  40.99406111         28.82413056   41.1085556  28.874861100000004    8.333445
1  (IS0137, IS0280)  IS0137  IS0280  40.98033889         28.73052778   41.1085556  28.874861100000004   11.625086
2  (ED0002, ED0018)  ED0002  ED0018      41.6742  26.553130600000003     41.26675  26.687669399999997   28.972852
2  (ED0002, IS0034)  ED0002  IS0034      41.6742  26.553130600000003  41.10741944         28.80134167  123.206273
2  (ED0018, IS0034)  ED0018  IS0034     41.26675  26.687669399999997  41.10741944         28.80134167  110.732410
2  (ED0002, IS0063)  ED0002  IS0063      41.6742  26.553130600000003  40.97868889         28.72448889  122.724622
2  (ED0018, IS0063)  ED0018  IS0063     41.26675  26.687669399999997  40.97868889         28.72448889  108.125677
2  (IS0034, IS0063)  IS0034  IS0063  41.10741944         28.80134167  40.97868889         28.72448889    9.748491
2  (ED0002, IS0280)  ED0002  IS0280      41.6742  26.553130600000003   41.1085556  28.874861100000004  126.809654
2  (ED0018, IS0280)  ED0018  IS0280     41.26675  26.687669399999997   41.1085556  28.874861100000004  114.537975
2  (IS0034, IS0280)  IS0034  IS0280  41.10741944         28.80134167   41.1085556  28.874861100000004    3.838056
2  (IS0063, IS0280)  IS0063  IS0280  40.97868889         28.72448889   41.1085556  28.874861100000004   11.917612
2  (ED0002, IS0880)  ED0002  IS0880      41.6742  26.553130600000003  41.03519444         28.82001389  125.846863
2  (ED0018, IS0880)  ED0018  IS0880     41.26675  26.687669399999997  41.03519444         28.82001389  112.361444
2  (IS0034, IS0880)  IS0034  IS0880  41.10741944         28.80134167  41.03519444         28.82001389    5.078493
2  (IS0063, IS0880)  IS0063  IS0880  40.97868889         28.72448889  41.03519444         28.82001389    6.335481
2  (IS0280, IS0880)  IS0280  IS0880   41.1085556  28.874861100000004  41.03519444         28.82001389    5.816514
3  (ED0018, IB9048)  ED0018  IB9048     41.26675  26.687669399999997  40.98021667           28.833175  113.685179
3  (ED0018, IS0034)  ED0018  IS0034     41.26675  26.687669399999997  41.10741944         28.80134167  110.732410
3  (IB9048, IS0034)  IB9048  IS0034  40.98021667           28.833175  41.10741944         28.80134167    8.933948
3  (ED0018, IS0063)  ED0018  IS0063     41.26675  26.687669399999997  40.97868889         28.72448889  108.125677
3  (IB9048, IS0063)  IB9048  IS0063  40.98021667           28.833175  40.97868889         28.72448889    5.684762
3  (IS0034, IS0063)  IS0034  IS0063  41.10741944         28.80134167  40.97868889         28.72448889    9.748491
3  (ED0018, IS0280)  ED0018  IS0280     41.26675  26.687669399999997   41.1085556  28.874861100000004  114.537975
3  (IB9048, IS0280)  IB9048  IS0280  40.98021667           28.833175   41.1085556  28.874861100000004    9.120037
3  (IS0034, IS0280)  IS0034  IS0280  41.10741944         28.80134167   41.1085556  28.874861100000004    3.838056
3  (IS0063, IS0280)  IS0063  IS0280  40.97868889         28.72448889   41.1085556  28.874861100000004   11.917612



df = pd.read_csv("3G_Cell_File_.cel", sep="t")
mycols = ['NETWORK_CELLID', 'SC', 'Lat', 'Lon']
# de-duplicate no point in calculating distance many times...
dfdd = df.loc[:,mycols].drop_duplicates().reset_index(drop=True)
# there are cases where an SC has only one NETWORK_CELLID so there is no combination
# make tuple to itself in this situation
dfd = ( dfdd.groupby("SC").agg({"NETWORK_CELLID":
lambda s: list(itertools.combinations(list(s), 2))
if len(list(s))>1 else [tuple(list(s)*2)]})
# generate rows for each pair
.explode("NETWORK_CELLID").rename({"NETWORK_CELLID":"PAIR"}, axis=1).reset_index()
# split pairs of locations back into individual column s
.assign(n1=lambda dfa: dfa["PAIR"].apply(lambda s: s[0]),
n2=lambda dfa: dfa["PAIR"].apply(lambda s: s[1]))
# merge back original data so have lat/lon for the pair of locations
.merge(dfdd, left_on=["SC","n1"], right_on=["SC","NETWORK_CELLID"]).drop("NETWORK_CELLID", axis=1)
.merge(dfdd, left_on=["SC","n2"], right_on=["SC","NETWORK_CELLID"]).drop("NETWORK_CELLID", axis=1)
# finally calc the distance
.assign(miles=lambda dfa: dfa.apply(lambda r: 
(r["Lat_y"],r["Lon_y"])).miles, axis=1)) 
